
WWE 205 Live Results for 4/9/19 Tony Nese vs Buddy Murphy in a Cruiserweight Championship Rematch

Tony Nese celebrates his win at Wrestlemania tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and will stick around for 205 Live where the new champion Tony Nese celebrates his first title win!

Jack Gallagher vs Humberto Carrillo

They exchange wrist locks before Jack takes Humberto down and tries his best to ground the high flyer. Humberto gets back to his feet and back flips to show off his athleticism before Jack sends him into the top rope and elbows him in the head. Jack drops Humberto with forearms and slams his knees into the mat for a quick two count before he locks in a cravat and dropkicks Humberto for a two count. Jack punches Humberto in mount and plays to the crowd before hitting an elbow drop, Humberto countering a suplex into a small package for a two count. Jack rocks Humberto with a forearm before Humberto hits a diving cross body and a corkscrew moonsault to the outside. Humberto rolls Jack back into the ring and dropkicks him in the back of the hear for a near fall before dropping him with a whirlwind kick. Drew then knocks Humberto off of the top turnbuckle for the disqualification.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo defeats Jack Gallagher via disqualification.

-After the match Jack stops Drew from attack Humberto and headbutts him out of the ring, effectively ending their friendship.

-A match between Cedric Alexander Oney Lorcan is made for next week.

Cruiserweight Championship Match

Tony Nese (c) vs Buddy Murphy

They lock up to start the match before Tony backs Buddy into the corner for a clean break. Buddy drops Tony with a shoulder tackle for a quick two count before Tony gets free of a headlock and drops Tony with a back elbow. Buddy rocks Tony with a forearm before Tony comes back with a high knee and a sweep for a quick two count. Buddy fakes a knee injury and stalls for time before he gets to his feet and sends Tony into the ring post and out of the ring. Buddy sends Tony into the barricade and rolls him into the ring before tossing him over the announce table and rolling him back into the ring. Buddy hits a bicycle knee for a near fall and a running suplex for another near fall before stomping Tony in the corner and sends him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Buddy hits a tope to the outside before he rolls Tony back into the ring and hits a diving meteora for a near fall before he locks in a choke and Tony knocks him from the top turnbuckle and down onto the floor. Buddy tries to get back into the ring and hits a jumping leg drop before hitting a senton and sending Buddy into the barricade. Tony sends Buddy into and over the announce table before beating on him and tossing him back into the ring and hitting a frankensteiner for a near fall. Tony hits a draping triangle moonsault for a near fall and a pump handle driver for another near fall, Tony gets caught with a cheeky nandos and Buddy hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Tony suplexes Buddy into the corner before Buddy counters the Running Nese and Buddy knocks him off of the apron with a v-trigger. Tony launches Buddy over the announce table and Buddy gets back into the ring at the count of nine before they exchange forearms. Buddy hits a lariat that turns Tony inside out before hitting Murphy’s Law for a very close near fall before hitting a kamigoye. Tony then hits two Running Nese for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese retains his Cruiserweight Championship by defeating Buddy Murphy with a Running Nese via pinfall.

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