
WWE 205 Live Results for 4/2/19 Mike Kanellis vs Akira Tozawa, Murphy & Nese Face to Face

Cruiserweight champion Buddy Murphy and his former best friend Tony Nese come face to face before their match at Wrestlemania!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and will enjoy tonight’s edition of 205 Live! While you’re here you can leave a comment below and if you want to continue the conversation after the show head over to our forums!

Kalisto vs Oney Lorcan

Oney attacks Kalisto as soon as he gets in the ring and beats on him before hitting a float over suplex for a two count and Kalisto counters a German suplex into a sunset flip for a two count of his own. Kalisto hits an arm drag and sends Oney out of the ring before hitting a springboard cross body back into the ring, only for Oney to send him out of the ring. Oney sends Kalisto into the barricade and the apron before rolling him back into the ring, Kalisto kicking him repeatedly and keeping him from getting back into the ring before Oney drops him with an uppercut as we cut to Buddy Murphy walking backstage. Oney locks in a front headlock before Kalisto kicks him away and Oney drops him with a clothesline to the back of the neck for a near fall. Oney hits a kitchen sink that turns Kalisto inside out for another near fall before locking in a rear naked choke with a body scissor.

Kalisto fights out of a side headlock before Oney takes him back down and Kalisto hits a springboard whirlwind. Kalisto counters a half hatch suplex into a Salida del Sol that Oney counters with a European uppercut. They then get out onto the apron and Kalisto hits a Salida del Sol onto the apron before rolling Oney back into the ring for a near fall. Oney then gets his knees up when Kalisto goes for a 450 and hits a half hatch suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan defeats Kalisto via pinfall with a half hatch suplex.

-We go to the back where 205 Live general manager Drake Maverick tells Cedric Alexander to take time off before Buddy Murphy attacks Tony Nese when he’s being interviewed, the two making their way to the stage before they’re separated.

Mike Kanellis vs Akira Tozawa

Akira takes Mike down and locks in a knee bar, but Mike gets to the ropes for the break almost immediately before Mike locks in a side headlock. Akira locks in an octopus stretch, but Mike gets to the ropes once again before Akira stomps him in the corner, Mike rocking Akira with a back elbow before Akira dropkicks him out of the ring. Mike turns Akira inside out with a clothesline and stomps him in the corner before he gets a series of near falls and Akira comes back with a spinning back fist and a huricanrrana into a running knee in the corner before dropkicking Mike for a near fall. Akira hits a sit-out facebuster into a PK for a near fall before Mike hits a spine buster for a near fall and Akira counters a fireman’s carry into an octopus stretch. Mike powers to his feet nd dumps himself and Akira out of the ring to break up the hold before Mike hits a draping neckbreaker using the barricade.

Mike sends Akira into Brian before Mike rolls Akira back into the ring who catches Mike on the top turnbuckle before hitting a frankensteiner for a near fall. They exchange chops before Akira rocks Mike with a jab and they rock each other with kicks until Akira hits a superkick and an enzuigiri, the two collapsing to the mat. Akira then hits a snap German suplex and an enzuigiri before Akira wins with a sunset flip.

Winner: Akira Tozawa defeats Mike Kanellis via pinfall with a sunset flip.

-We end the show with a video package for the Cruiserweight Championship match between the champion Buddy Murphy and the challenger Tony Nese in the Wrestlemania kickoff show.

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