
WWE 205 Live Results for 3/5/19 Akira Tozawa vs Cedric Alexander, Humberto Carrillo vs Oney Lorcan

The Cruiserweight Championship Tournament continues tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live! It’s time for the Cruiserweight division to strut their stuff on 205 Live!

-We get a video package for Oney Lorcan  before his match with Humberto Carrillo.

Humberto Carrillo vs Oney Lorcan

Oney backs Humberto into the ropes for a clean break before Humberto takes him down with a side headlock, but Humberto gets right back up. Humberto hits a deep arm drag and locks in a straight armbar before Oney gets to his feet and backs him into the corner. Oney misses a chop and sends Humberto out of the ring before suplexing him onto the floor. They get back into the ring and Oney gets a quick two count before he drops Humberto with a lariat for a two count. Oney launches Humberto into the corner and chops him repeatedly before Humberto hits a springboard arm drag and a suicide dive.

Humberto rolls Oney back into the ring and hits a standing moonsault for a two count before hitting a corkscrew moonsault back out of the ring. Oney comes back with a European uppercut and hits a fisherman’s suplex onto the apron before rolling him back into the ring for a near fall. Humberto then hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Oney gets his knees up when he goes for a moonsault and Oney turns him inside out with a lariat before hitting a half hatch suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan defeated Humberto Carrillo via pinfall with a half hatch suplex to advance to the next round of the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.

Mike Kanellis w/Maria Kanellis vs Colby Corino

Mike throws his jacket at Colby and beats him down before the match starts and turns him inside out with a clothesline before hitting a spinning neckbreaker.

Winner: No Contest due to the match never getting started.

Akira Tozawa vs Cedric Alexander

They kick off the match by grappling and Akira side steps a dropkick before Cedric gets a two count off of a sunset flip. Akira hits a deep arm drag and locks in a straight armbar before Cedric gets free and Akira immediately reapplies it. Akira sends Cedric out of the ring and knees Akira in the midsection when he goes for a tope before hitting a gut buster for a two count. Cedric starts focusing on the ribs of Akira until he goes for a senton, but Cedric gets his knees up before Akira rolls out of the ring. Cedric sends Akira into the apron and rolls him back into the ring for a two count before they exchange chops and Akira nearly knocks Cedric out with a right hand. Akira sends Cedric out of the ring and hits a suicide dive before rolling him back into the ring and hitting a missile dropkick for a near fall. Akira nearly collapses before he goes for a dead lift German suplex and Cedric rocks him with a forearm before Akira goes for an octopus stretch and Cedric turns it into a side slam. Cedric hits an enzuigiri into a springboard flat liner for a near fall before they exchange strikes until Akira counters the Lumbar Check. Cedric nearly knocks Akira out with an elbow before Akira hits a reverse huricanrrana for a near fall and they go back to striking until Akira locks in an octopus stretch. Akira then hits a dead lift German suplex before Cedric hits the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander defeats Akira Tozawa via pinfall with the Lumbar Check to advance to the next round of the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.

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