
WWE 205 Live Results for 2/12/19 Noam Dar vs Tony Nese in a No Disqualification Match

The Scottish Supernova takes on the Premiere Athlete in the main event of tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live after Smackdown! Live exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and will stick around for the next hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division with 205 Live! Enjoy the show and while you’re here you can leave a comment below on our Discus forums!

Lince Dorado vs Jack Gallagher

Jack grounds the high flying Dorado and focuses on joint manipulation before Lince hits a springboard arm drag and plays to the crowd. Lince hits a drop toe hold into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a quick two count, Jack dropping him across the top rope before headbutting him in the corner. Lince sends Jack out of the ring and hits a baseball slide before rolling him back into the ring, Jack catching him up top. Jack hits a backbreaker for a two count and an abdominal stretch before Lince hits a hip and toss over the top rope only for him to miss a springboard cross body. Back in the ring Lince gets a near fall off of a crucifix before dropping Jack with a rolling kick and hits a diving cross body for another near fall.

Jack hits a gut wrench powerbomb into a single let Boston crab before Lince hits a monkey flip and a superkick. Jack drops Lince with a headbutt for a near fall before Lince hits the Golden Rewind for a near fall of his own. They then exchange strikes until Lince goes for a frankensteiner and Jack pins him with a sunset flip for the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher defeats Lince Dorado via pinfall with a sunset flip.

No Disqualification Match

Noam Dar vs Tony Nese

Dar attacks Tony before the match starts and crotches him on the barricade before hitting a running clothesline. Dar bends the fingers of Tony in the turnbuckle before Tony sends him into the ring post and the barricade. Tony brings a chair into the ring and drops Dar with it before setting it up in the ring and lying him on top of it while draping him in the ropes. Tony hits a springboard moonsault for a two count and slams Dar onto the chair for a two count and drops him with a spinning back kick to the midsection. Tony misses a running cross body and rocks Dar with a knee lift before Dar hits a dragon screw leg whip.

Dar suplexes Tony into the corner for a two count and Tony rolls out of the ring to catch his breath before Dar gets out at least five chairs and a table. Dar back drops Tony onto the pile of chairs and tosses him back into the ring for a two count. Dar slams the knee of Tony into a chair and locks in a single leg Boston crab before Tony bends his fingers and hits a falcon arrow onto the chair for a near fall. They exchange right hands and forearms until Tony accidentally punches the chair and Dar locks in a variation of a Fujiwara armbar with the chair. Tony rolls Dar over for a near fall for the break and Tony sends Dar into the ring steps when they end up at ringside.

Tony goes to suplex Dar, but he sends Tony face first into the ring steps before Dar tries to lock in an armbar from the apron. Tony slams Dar onto the steps before sending him through the announce table and tosses him back into the ring for a near fall. Dar hits a diving stomp to the knee of Tony before locking in an ankle lock, Tony crawling out of the ring and hitting Dar with a chair. Tony hits Dar in the knee with the chair and traps his leg before stomping on it and a running knee through the barricade. Tony then carries Dar back to the ring and pins him for the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Noam Dar via pinfall.

-We go off the air with the contract signing with Buddy Murphy and Akira Tozawa ahead of their title match Sunday at Elimination Chamber. 

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