
WWE 205 Live Coverage 1/31 Akira Tozawa Debuts & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight after proving this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble that he could more than handle Rich Swann, the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Neville looks to cement his place as the King of the Cruiserweights when he teams up with Noam Dar to take on Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander in a tag team match in our main event! After months of anticipation the Japanese superstar from Dragon Gate, Akira Tozawa makes his 205 Live debut! Who will Tozawa set his sights on or who will look to prove themselves against the new superstar? Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST to find out!

-We open with a video package for Neville becoming Cruiserweight Champion this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble.

Tony Nese vs Lince Dorado

Nese is in control early then Lince drops him repeatedly for a 1 count. Lince then hits a diving cross body for a quick 2 count then hits a head scissor takeover that sends Nese to the outside. Nese is in control once we're back in the ring, keeping the high flyer Dorado grounded. Lince hits an enzuigiri then Nese catches him on the top rope before Nese hits a fireman's carry into a gutbuster for a near fall. Lince comes back and hits Nese with a series of strikes then a springboard stunner for a near fall. Lince catches Nese on the top rope then Nese tries to take the mask off of Dorado before Nese drops him. Nese then hits a running knee in the corner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese via pinfall

-After the match TJ Perkins attacks Nese.

-We then get a recap of the 205 segment on RAW then an update on the injured Rich Swann. Neville shows up and shoves him down then we get a video package for Gran Metalik.

-The Brian Kendrick comes out to ringside and joins the commentary team before Akira makes his debut.

Akira Tozawa vs Aaron Solo

Akira has control early then hits a PK into a senton for a near fall. Tozawa chops Solo then slaps him before Solo hits him with a back elbow. They exchange strikes then Tozawa hits a leaping huricanrrana before sending Solo out of the ring and diving through the ropes out onto him. Tozawa then hits his trademark snap, bridging German suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

-Aries interviews him and he speaks entirely in Japanese before saying he couldn't have said it better himself before Akira leaves.

Neville & Noam Dar vs Jack Gallagher & Cedric Alexander

Jack and Neville start it off, Neville immediately backing Jack into a corner for a clean break then Neville hits a Side headlock takeover before Jack escapes by walking backwards on his hands. Neville then focuses on the arm of Jack before Jack focuses on Neville's arm. They exchange wrist locks and flips then Dar comes in. Jack stands on his head in the corner then tags in Cedric who focuses on the arm of Dar. Cedric dropkicks Noam for a quick 2 count then tags Jack back in who focuses on the arm of Dar again then his elbow before Neville attacks Jack from the apron. Neville gets tagged back in then dropkicks the back of Jack's head for a near fall. Neville then hits Jack with a running forearm in the corner for a near fall then a shotgun dropkick off the top rope for a near fall that Cedric breaks up. Neville and Dar argue after Dar tags himself in then goes back to focusing on the left arm of Gallagher. Neville comes back in and kicks Jack repeatedly then Dar tags himself back in, Neville not too pleased with it. Jack gets a near fall then they drop each other with Jack falling on Dar for a near fall that Neville breaks up. Neville then denies the tag and leaves Dar, saying he had his chance and messed up before leaving. Cedric gets tagged in and hits a springboard forearm then a hand spring roundhouse kick that sends Dar to the outside. Cedric gets him back into the ring and hits the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander and Jack Gallagher via pinfall

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