
WWE 205 Live Results for 1/2/19 Kalisto vs Lio Rush, Akira Tozawa vs Drew Gulak

Kalisto takes on Lio Rush, and Akira Tozawa takes on Drew Gulak in Royal Rumble Fatal Four Way qualifying matches on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

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Kalisto vs Lio Rush

They run the ropes until Kalisto hits a series of back flips and Lio rolls out of the ring before he gets back in the ring and slaps Kalisto. Kalisto chases Lio around ringside and into the ring before Kalisto hits a basement dropkick and Lio knocks him from the apron. Lio hits a tope to the outside before rolling Kalisto back into the ring and hits a suplex for a quick two count. Kalisto gets a near fall off of a sunset flip before Lio beats on him in mount and takes his back while hitting him with elbows to the back of the head and tosses him out of the ring. Lio reclines on the top turnbuckle before chopping Kalisto and hitting a running cross body or a two count.

Kalisto sends Lio out of the ring and hits a springboard 450 to the outside before Lio rolls him back into the ring and Kalisto catches him up on the top turnbuckle. Kalisto hits a flipping fall away slam off of the top for a near fall before Lio hits a corkscrew neckbreaker for a very close near fall. The two high flyers hit each other with spinning kicks until Lio sends Kalisto out of the ring. Kalisto then gets back in the ring at the count of nine before Lio gets distracted by Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado at ringside before Kalisto hits the Salida del Sol out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kalisto defeats Lio Rush via pinfall with a Salida del Sol. 

Akira Tozawa vs Drew Gulak​​​​​​

​​​​​​They start the match off by grappling on the mat before Drew drops Akira with a shoulder block, and dodges a PK by Akira. Drew tears at the ear of Akira before Akira comes back with strikes to the midsection, and rocks Drew with a jab before hitting a jumping senton for a quick two count. Akira goes out after Drew before Drew sends him into the barricade and slams him onto the floor. Drew rolls Akira back into the ring and focuses on his back by driving his knee into it before Akira gets to his feet and comes back with several kicks and a huricanrrana that sends Drew out of the ring. Akira hits another huricanrrana when Drew hurries back in before Akira hits a whirlwind kick for a two count.

Akira traps Drew in the ropes before hitting a diving senton onto the back of Drew before Drew counters a shining wizard into a buckle bomb. Akira counters the Gulock into a variation of sliced bread #2 before Drew turns him inside out with a lariat for a near fall. Drew powerbombs Akira for a near fall before they exchange strikes and kicks until Akira locks in an octopus stretch. Drew locks in a variation of the Brock lock before Akira gets to the bottom rope for the break and Drew locks in the Gulock when Akira goes for a high angle senton off of the top. Akira rolls out of the ring to get free of the hold and they exchange forearms at ringside before Akira boots Drew off of the apron and hits a suicide dive.

Akira rolls Drew back into the ring before Drew catches him on the top turnbuckle and Akira counters a superplex before headbutting Drew and hitting a high angle senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa defeats Drew Gulak via pinfall with a high angle senton.

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