
WWE 205 Live Results for 12/12/18 Cedric Alexander vs Tony Nese, Buddy Murphy vs Gran Metalik

The Cruiserweight champion is in action, and the former champion takes on The Premiere Athlete on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live tonight at 7PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good evening Fightful faithful, and welcome to the first hour of our coverage of tonight’s action from WWE with 205 Live, and be sure to stick around afterwards for NXT at 8pm EST! 

Buddy Murphy vs Gran Metalik

Buddy backs Gran into the corner before wringing his arm and taking him down with a straight armbar, Gran taking Buddy down repeatedly when he gets to his feet. Gran hits a huricanrrana that sends Buddy out of the ring before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope before hitting a huricanrrana from on top of the barricade. Gran rolls Buddy back into the ring for a quick two count before Buddy sends him into the middle turnbuckle and catches Gran in midair. Buddy suplexes Gran for a quick two count before tossing him out of the ring and playing to the crowd before Gran gets back into the ring at the count of eight. Buddy gets a two count and locks in a rear chin lock before tossing Gran out onto the apron and Gran comes back with an enzuigiri into a springboard cross body for a two count. Metalik hits a springboard back elbow before Buddy counters the Metalik Driver twice and drops him with a jumping knee strike. Metalik hits the Metalik Driver for a near fall before they end up at ringside and Buddy sends Gran face first into the announce table. Buddy drops Metalik onto the apron before rolling him back into the ring and hitting a diving meteora for a near fall before Gran gets a near fall off of an inside cradle. Buddy gets his feet up when Gran goes for a moonsault and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Gran counters Murphy’s Law once, but can’t the second time and Buddy hits it for the pin and the win.

Winner: Buddy Murphy defeats Gran Metalik via pinfall with Murphy’s Law.

Tony Nese vs Cedric Alexander

They counter each other for several minutes to start the match, one seemingly always knowing what the other will do until Cedric dropkicks Tony and sends him out of the ring. Tony rushes back in when Cedric goes for a tope and catches him with a jumping European uppercut before whipping him across the ring. Tony chops Cedric in the throat before hitting a springboard moonsault for a two count and putting him in a body scissors. Cedric fights his way out of it before Tony turns him inside out with a lariat for a two count and locks in a rear chin lock. Cedric comes back with an enzuigiri into a slingshot flat liner before dropping Tony with clotheslines and hitting a springboard clothesline for a two count. Cedric drops Tony with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head for a near fall before Tony hits a gut buster for a near fall of his own. Tony counters a hand spring roundhouse kick into a Samoan drop when he catches Cedric in midair before sending him over the top rope and hitting a corkscrew moonsault to the outside. Tony then misses a 450 splash before Cedric hits a Michinoku driver for a very close near fall and Tony counters the Lumbar Check once, but Cedric follows up with the Neurolizer before hitting the Lumbar Check on his second attempt for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander defeats Tony Nese via pinfall with the Lumbar Check. 

-After the match ​​​​​​Buddy comes out and they brawl before Cedric hits a flipping senton over the top and Buddy leaves as we go off the air.

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