
WWE 205 Live Results for 11/28/18 Buddy Murphy & Tony Nese vs Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali

Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese team up to take on Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali, and Noam Dar faces Mike Kanellis on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

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Noam Dar vs Mike Kanellis

They lock up before Mike backs Dar in the corner and attacks him from behind when he gets distracted by Maria at ringside. Mike starts focusing on the back of Dar before missing a running cross body and Dar drops him with a single leg dropkick. Dar then hits a European uppercut before Mike comes back with a spine buster before Lucha House Party distract Mike and Kalisto hits an enzuigiri before Dar hits the Nova Roller for the pin and the win.

Winner: Noam Dar defeats Mike Kanellis via pinfall with the Nova Roller.

Hideo Itami vs Local Talent

Hideo immediately rushes his opponent with a Yakuza kick into a kitchen sink before hitting a draping knee drop off of the top and a running dropkick in the corner into a twisting Pele kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hideo Itami defeats a local performer via pinfall with a twisting Pele kick.

-After the match Ariya Daivari returns and shakes the hand of Hideo after attacking his opponent.

-TJP and Mike Kanellis argue with Drake Maverick and set up a tornado tag team match against Lucha House Party for next week.

Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali vs Buddy Murphy & Tony Nese

Cedric gets things started with Tony, the two locking up several times before Tony rocks Cedric with a back elbow and Cedric hits a huricanrrana into a dropkick for a quick two count. Ali comes in and he and Cedric double team Tony for a two count before Tony picks him up and powers him back into his corner, Buddy tagging in immediately after. Ali hits a huricanrrana into a pop-up dropkick before Cedric comes in and Buddy rushes to tag Tony back in, Cedric dropkicking the knee of Tony before Buddy gets a blind tag and drops Cedric with a high knee for a two count. Tony comes back in and hits a snapmare into a kick to the spine and puts a body scissor on Cedric before Cedric tags in Ali who drops both Buddy and Tony repeatedly and hits an enzuigiri into a rolling sit-out facebuster and a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Buddy sends Ali face first into the turnbuckle before Buddy boots him out of the ring, Tony sending Ali into the apron before rolling him back into the ring for a quick two count.

Tony stomps on Ali and Buddy kicks him in the spine before Ali counters a fisherman’s suplex into a roll up for a near fall before Buddy turns him inside out with a lariat for a near fall of his own. Ali sends Buddy into Tony and goes to tag in Cedric, but Buddy pulls him from the apron and Cedric goes after him before Tony drops Ali. Ali hits a spinning heel kick before Ali tags Cedric in and Cedric rocks Tony with a back elbow before hitting a springboard flat liner for a near fall. Tony catches Cedric with a palm strike when he goes for a springboard move and Cedric sends Tony into Buddy before they mess up a double superplex and Cedric hits a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Tony onto the floor. Buddy then nearly knocks Ali out with a bicycle knee before Ali hits a tornado DDT and Cedric gets the blind tag before Cedric hits the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander defeat Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese when Cedric pins Buddy with the Lumbar Check. 

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