
WWE 205 Live Results for 11/21/18 Gran Metalik vs TJP, Tony Nese vs Noam Dar

Noam Dar squares off with Tony Nese and Gran Metalik takes on TJP tonight at 7PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good evening Fightful faithful, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live! While you’re here you can leave a comment below and check out our forums!

-Buddy Murphy comes out to the ring to start the show and talks about his title defense against Mustafa Ali, saying that he is unstoppable before Tony Nese comes out for his match.

Tony Nese vs Noam Dar

Tony backs Dar into the corner before Dar locks in a standing armbar that Tony muscles out of. Dar gets a quick two count off of a back slide and sends Tony out onto the apron before dropkicking him off of it and down onto the floor. Tony sends Dar into the apron and hits a gut buster when Dar is distracted by Buddy before Tony drops him with a running cross body for a quick two count. Tony locks in a body scissor to focus on the ribs of Dar until Tony misses a running cross body and Dar drops Tony with a European uppercut before suplexing him for a near fall. Dar locks in a standing guillotine before Tony tosses him off and they exchange strikes until Tony sends Dar throat first into the top rope. Tony powers out of a standing guillotine into a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Dar getting a near fall off of a sunset flip before Dar hits a single leg dropkick for a near fall. Dar is then distracted by Buddy before Tony attacks him from behind and hits a German suplex into the corner and the Running Nese for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Noam Dar via pinfall with the Running Nese.

-Drake Maverick meets with Cedric Alexander and makes a tag match for next week between Cedric and Mustafa and Buddy and Tony.

Akira Tozawa & The Brian Kendrick vs Local Talent

Brian starts the match off with the fellow in purple before he and Akira double team him and Akira hits a jumping senton for a quick two count. Akira chops him repeatedly before dropping him with a right hand and he and Kendrick hit a double boot for a quick two count; Kendrick and Tozawa tagging in and out every few moments. Brian hits a single leg dropkick before Akira drops the guy in silver with a flurry of kicks and hits a missile dropkick for a near fall. Kendrick then hits Sliced Bread #2 before Akira hits a high angle senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick defeat two local performers when Akira pins one of them with a high angle senton.

Gran Metalik vs TJP

-Lucha House Party and TJP and Mike Kanellis have to be separated by officials and Drake before Lucha and Mike are barred from ringside.

Metalik hits a bulldog before TJP hits a cross body over the top rope and rolls him back into the ring before beating on him in mount. TJP hits a slingshot senton for a quick two count and a back suplex into a headlock before Metalik hits a hand spring arm drag. TJP hits a variation of a bloody cross for a quick two count before hitting a drop toe hole into a bow and arrow submission before Metalik gets to the ropes for the break. Metalik hangs TJP on the top turnbuckle before dropkicking him, but TJP gets his feet up when he goes for a moonsault. TJP hits a Tiger driver for a near fall before missing a flipping senton off of the top and Metalik hits a triangle missile dropkick for a near fall. TJP hits a wrecking ball dropkick before Metalik hits a huricanrrana that sends TJP off of the apron and onto the floor before they get back in the ring end Gran Metalik hits a DVD. TJP then locks in a knee bar, but Metalik gets to the ropes before they both do sunset flips and Metalik picks up the win.

Winner: Gran Metalik defeats TJP via pinfall with a sunset flip.

-After the match Mike attacks Metalik and he and TJP leave The Lucha House Party on the mat as we go off the air.


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