
WWE 205 Live Results for 10/17/18 Drew Gulak vs Akira Tozawa, Cruiserweight Fatal Five Way Match

Five of the best cruiserweights on 205 Live collide when they go head to head in a Fatal Five Way match on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live at 7PM EST!

Good evening Fightful faithful  and welcome to our first hour of coverage of 205 Live and what should be an action packed night of action on the WWE Network!

Akira Tozawa vs Drew Gulak

Akira hits a huricanrrana into a PK and a senton for a quick one count before locking in an octopus stretch. Drew powers out of the octopus stretch and hits a backbreaker into a fall away slam for a quick two count and a Gory stretch until Tozawa comes back, but it’s short lived as Drew counters a sunset flip into a powerbomb for a near fall. Drew puts Akira in a side headlock before Akira drops him with a spinning kick and hits a missile dropkick. Akira then hits a suicide dive to the outside before Jack yanks him from the top turnbuckle for the disqualification.

Winner: Akira Tozawa defeats Drew Gulak via disqualification when Jack Gallagher interferes.

-After the match Drew and Jack attack Akira until The Brian Kendrick saves him and runs them off.

Fatal Five Way Match

Cedric Alexander vs TJP vs Tony Nese vs Gran Metalik vs Lio Rush 

TJP drags Metalik out of the ring and sends him into the barricade before Cedric sends Tony out of the ring and he and Lio run the ropes and counter each other to the roar of the crowd. Lio mocks Cedric before Lio gets out of the ring and Cedric is clotheslined by Tony before Metalik drops Lio repeatedly in the ring, Metalik getting a quick two count off of a missile dropkick. Lio drops Tony with an enzuigiri before hitting a baseball slide to Cedric before TJP applies a double submission on Lio and Metalik. Tony sends TJP into the ring post and out of the ring before playing to the crowd and stomping on Metalik before cranking on his neck. Tony hits a back suplex for a quick two count before Cedric gets back in the ring only for Tony to toss him back out of it.

Tony puts Metalik in the tree of woe before kicking him repeatedly, Cedric rolling him up for a two count before Tony turns him inside out for a near fall. Metalik comes back with a suplex for a quick two count that Cedric breaks up before Cedric hits a springboard clothesline. Cedric hits a slingshot flat liner for a near fall that Rush breaks up before Lio counters the Detonation Kick and everyone hits a move, Rush getting a near fall in the end with a huge frog splash off of the top. Cedric hits a hand spring roundhouse kick for a near fall before TJP tries to rip off the mask of Metalik and Tony hits a one armed powerbomb with Lio onto everyone at ringside. Metalik hits a sling blade before TJP locks in a kneebar on Tony that Cedric breaks up, but he gets caught in it.

Metalik breaks up the second kneebar before Lio drops Tony with a superkick and Cedric hits the Lumbar Check. Tony then runs over and rolls up Cedric when he tries to cover Lio for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Cedric Alexander, Lio Rush, TJP and Gran Metalik via pinfall when he pins Cedric with a roll up. 

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