
WWE 205 Live Results for 10/11/19 Akira Tozawa vs The Brian Kendrick in a No Disqualification Match

Former best friends, now bitter rivals square off in a No Disqualification Match and Drew Gulak and Tony Nese team up to take on Lorcan and Burch!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you’re ready for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live! We hope you enjoy the show and have a great weekend!

Tony Nese & Drew Gulak vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

Oney and Tony start the match for their respective teams, the two grappling before Oney drops Tony with a shoulder block and Danny and Oney double up on Tony for a quick two count. Tony comes back with a huricanrrana and a series of kicks before he sweeps the legs of Oney for a one count and quickly drags him to the corner where Drew comes in. Drew hits a scoop slam and Tony a triangle moonsault for a two count before Danny gets the tag and rocks Tony with an uppercut and dropkicks him before Tony hits a drop toe hold into the middle rope and drags Danny to his corner. Drew punches Danny in the corner and he and Tony isolate him before Tony locks in a rear chin lock and Drew starts manipulating the joints of the brawler from Liverpool before he finally tags in Oney. Oney sends Drew out of the ring and hits a diving cross body before sending Tony out of the ring with one and hits a dive that takes the both of them out. Back in the ring Oney hits running moves in opposite corners and a DDT to Tony before hitting Drew with a half and half suplex onto Drew for a near fall. Danny hits a German suplex before Burch and Lorcan hit Heavy Impact for a near fall and go for a doomsday device, but Drew and Tony counter them before Drew gets a near fall that Oney breaks up with a diving headbutt. Drew then hits a scoop slam before Tony hits a 450 for a near fall and all four men exchange strikes until Danny and Oney send Tony out of the ring and hit Drew with an impact DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch defeat Drew Gulak and Tony Nese via pinfall when they pin Drew after an impact DDT.

-We get a video package for Isaiah Scott before we get a video of Drew Gulak and Lio Rush after their match in which Lio became the new Cruiserweight champion.

Ariya Daivari vs Chris Bey

Ariya sends Chris out of the ring and hits a baseball slide when he tries to get back onto the apron before sending him face first into the steps and back into the ring. Ariya hits a running clothesline in the corner and tosses Chris across the ring before reclining on the top turnbuckle, Chris coming back with right hands before Ariya hits a rock bottom and a wrist lock lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ariya Daivari defeats Chris Bey via pinfall with a wrist lock lariat.

No Disqualification Match

Akira Tozawa vs The Brian Kendrick

Brian and Akira grab kendo sticks before Akira stops Brian from using his and hits him before Brian grabs a chair and duct tapes Akira to the ropes before hitting him in the back with a kendo stick. Brian sets up four chairs and chokes Akira with the kendo stick before he frees Akira and Akira counters a Sliced Bread and back drops Brian across the chairs before he tosses at least four more chairs into the ring and puts them all in a pile. Akira suplexes Brian onto the chairs and drops Brian with a whirlwind kick when he tries to stop him from grabbing a table and sets Brian on it before hitting a senton through the table. Akira then goes for a high angle diving senton once they’re back in the ring and Mike Kanellis attacks Akira with chairs and a kendo stick before dragging Brian across Akira for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick defeats Akira Tozawa via pinfall when Mike Kanellis attacks Akira and helps Brian.

-After the match Mike and Brian shake hands before they leave together as we go off the air.

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