
Wrestler Injured Last Night At 205 Live

Last night on 205 Live in Chicago, hometown boy Mustafa Ali won his match against NXT enhancement talent John Yurnet, who is better known as Mr. 450. It was Yurnet's 205 Live debut.

Sadly, it might have also been his last match on the program. He pulled up lame during the early going, but he was able to power through and finish the match.

You can watch him favoring the leg in this video:

The match was obviously cut short, but they did what they could with it, considering the circumstances.

Later last night, Yurnet posted a picture to his Instagram and a Tweet that read: 



Sorry to all my fans. Blew my knee out at #205live will keep everyone updated.

A photo posted by Mr.450/Mecha-Balam (@mr450__) on

We wish Yurnet well in his recovery and we'll keep you updated as more information comes out.

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