
WrestleMania 36: Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler Result; Fire & Desire Seemingly Split Up

Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Sonya Deville

The match begins with Ziggler avoiding a charging Otis, Otis corners Ziggler before landing a shoulder thrust and avalanche. Otis misses a charge in the corner before Ziggler knocks him out of the ring with a super kick, Ziggler exits the ring and he throws Otis into the ring post. Ziggler gets Otis back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Ziggler keeps Otis down before holding him in a chin lock. Ziggler releases the hold to hit Otis with a drop kick for a near fall, Ziggler follows up on that by choking Otis on the middle rope. Ziggler keeps Otis by the ropes while ripping away on his face, Ziggler then hits Otis with a neck breaker and elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler keeps Otis down while holding him in a chin lock, Ziggler releases the hold and he attacks Otis with a few strikes, Otis catches Ziggler during a drop kick attempt and he monkey flips him into the corner, Ziggler takes some swings at Otis and Otis drops him with multiple clotheslines.

Otis follows up by nailing Ziggler with a slam before standing on his back, Otis then drops Ziggler with a few hard Irish whips into the corner. Otis picks up Ziggler and he dumps him out of the ring, Otis leaves the ring and he throws Ziggler into the barricade before throwing him into the ring post. Otis gets Ziggler back in the ring and he follows him in there before landing a pop up power slam, Deville distracts Otis during a Caterpillar attempt and Ziggler kicks Otis in the balls. Mandy Rose comes out and she attacks Deville, Rose throws Deville into the ring to distract the ref so she can low blow Ziggler. Otis then hits Ziggler with the Caterpillar for a three count.

Winner: Otis

After the match, Otis and Mandy Rose have their first kiss.

You can see our full live coverage of WrestleMania 36 night two at this link, and our post-show podcast at this link.

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