
WrestleMania 36: Drew Gulak vs. Cesaro Result

Drew Gulak vs. Cesaro

The match begins with Gulak dragging Cesaro to the mat before applying a headlock, Cesaro gets free and he nails Gulak with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Cesaro looks for the Gotch Style Pile Driver and Gulak escapes while working over his arm, Gulak goes for an arm bar and Cesaro power bombs his way to freedom. Cesaro goes for the Gotch Style Pile Driver again and Gulak counters by applying a cross face, Cesaro gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Gulak then dumps Cesaro out of the ring before nailing him with a clothesline from the ring apron, Cesaro fights back and he gets Gulak back into the ring. Gulak recovers to knock Cesaro back to the arena floor, Gulak then nails Cesaro with an arm drag on the arena floor before sending him into the ring steps a few times. Gulak gets Cesaro back in the ring and he goes to the top rope, Cesaro nails a leaping Gulak with a European uppercut for a near fall. Gulak recovers and he wrenches away on the arm of Cesaro, Cesaro gets free and he nails Gulak with some knee strikes.

Gulak catches a leaping Cesaro in a roll up for a near fall, Gulak goes for the Gulock and Cesaro gets free before landing a boot to the face, Cesaro looks for the Gotch Style Pile Driver again before landing a European uppercut, Cesaro then attacks Gulak with an airplane spin for a three count.

Winner: Cesaro


You can see our full live coverage of WrestleMania 36 night one at this link, and our post-show podcast at this link.

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