
Why Johnny Mundo Decided To Leave WWE

Sometimes you just want to be in control of your own destiny.

Johnny Mundo spoke to Brandon Kravitz where he explained why he left the WWE. When it came down to it, he wanted more time to himself and cultivate his own projects rather than just focus on WWE all the time. He was offered another deal to stay, but decided against it, instead working on projects he liked such as Boone The Bounty Hunter:

Really I left because I wanted more creative autonomy. At the end of my contract I got offered another deal to sign for another 3-5 years, and I wanted to take off to start doing some TV and film. Really, I left, ultimately to make a film like ‘Boone The Bounty Hunter’. I didn’t realize that ‘Boone The Bounty Hunter’ was the the movie I was going to put all of my time into and make when I left, but it’s why I left because I wanted to have some more control over my own time, and to be able to think about who I want to spend my time with and what I was spending time doing.

I’ve been really happy knowing that everything’s worked out…wrestling is big time right now. MLW, December 7th [Never Say Never] is an example of another hot promotion right now that will be a really cool place for me to go work, and for fans to go see top notch wrestling. Lucha Underground season 4 was renewed, Impact Wrestling is happening. I’ve been involved in all of these new, really cool alternatives to WWE. It’s a really good time, I think, to be outside of [WWE], and like you said [WWE] has been number one for a long time, but if you’re not there, now’s the time where it’s possible to have good matches with hot crowds and have a good time as a professional wrestler with some more control over your own time.

 Mundo left WWE in 2011 and mostly stayed on the independent scene until he joined Lucha Underground in 2015, where he became a hot commodity. He's also currently a part  of Impact Wrestling as well, going under the name Johnny Impact.

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