
Vinny Margseglia Explains Influences On His ROH Character

“The King of Horror” Vinny Marseglia spoke to Wrestling Epicenter recently for an interview ahead of a big stretch for Ring of Honor. You can check out the interview above, and highlights below.

On the origins of his “Horror King” persona: 
“It has always been a big part of me. What you see is what I love on top of pro wrestling, of course. It was just figuring out how to bring that in and kind of show that side of me… It was just being myself and having fun. It is just bringing something different to wrestling. I hope that what I’m doing is something different for people to enjoy. I share the same interest as many who are wrestling fans as well. I’ve always been a fan of the Devil’s Rejects, all the documentaries, and even like the older-older black and white horror movies. Every since I was a little kid, it has always been professional wrestling and horror movies! I’ve always wanted to be in a horror film which I ended up doing. It is “The Find” which will be available on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I play the role of the serial killer in the film named Damond. And, bringing the horror into professional wrestling, I feel it is coming all together finally. I hope people are enjoying it.” 

On if he ever dreamed he’d be an actor: 
“I always wanted to be a pro wrestler. That was my overall goal. But, being so involved in the movies which my mother started with me at a young age. She always loved horror movies and got me involved with it. But, they came to me with this script, “We’re interested in you being in a horror film.” The answer right away was “YES!” It didn’t really matter what the script was going to be – I read it later on and, of course, it was great. But, the answer right away was “YES!” for that opportunity. It was cool, man! I got to live in this mansion for like 2 weeks. I lived like a vampire for 2 weeks. I slept all day and filmed all night. It was pretty wild, man.” 

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