
Vince McMahon Opposed No-Cut Clauses In WWE Deals After Mass Releases

We’ve learned plenty about the contract negotiation process of WWE deals during what seems to be a new era, but we’ve gained some clarity in regards to internal feelings about how some were negotiated just before that.

We’d reported last year that no-cut clauses have not been a part of any of the negotiations. In addition, Fightful had learned that Vince McMahon specifically was not in favor of adding a no cut-clause, but that others in the front office were. We’ve learned that many in the front office of WWE have heard that WWE President and Chief Revenue Officer Nick Khan has sounded open to the idea. Ultimately, Vince McMahon had the final say, and was vehemently against the idea of a no-cut clause. It didn’t cost WWE any big potential free agents, but there were some that had inquired about it. One person chalked it up to Vince McMahon being stuck in his ways, and said that it really put in perspective how many talent that had been released said “Vince McMahon liked me but…” when he ultimately had the say so over who was cut.

Most talent that we’ve spoken to have very positive things to say about Nick Khan and his method of management, specifically thinking outside of the box as compared to WWE traditions. Since Vince McMahon’s exit, there have not been mass main roster WWE releases, although there have been NXT and NXT UK cuts.

Nick Khan has been very positively received by those within WWE.

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