
WWE MMC Live Results for 10/9/18 Monster Eclipse vs. B’N’B & Fenomenal Flair vs. Fabulous Truth

Braun Strowman and Ember Moon take on Finn Bálor and Bayley and AJ Styles and Charlotte take on R-Truth and Carmella on tonight’s edition of the 2018 Mixed Match Challenge!

Smackdown! Live is over, and now it’s time for tonight’s edition of the Mixed Match Challenge on Facebook Watch!

Finn Bálor & Bayley vs Braun Strowman & Ember Moon

Ember and Bayley start the match off for their teams by knocking each other down and playing to the crowd until Ember tags Braun in. Finn kicks Braun in the leg several times before Braun tosses him in the corner and Finn his an enzuigiri and a Bayley knocks Ember off of the apron. Braun keeps the high flying Bálor grounded for as long as he can before Finn tags in Bayley who drops Ember with a series of clotheslines and Ember hits a gut buster into a running back elbow in the corner. Ember hits a springboard cross body before Bayley drops her with a high knee for a quick two count and Bayley hits a Bayley to Belly for a near fall that Braun breaks up. Braun goes shoulder first into the ring post before Finn hits a diving foot stomp to the back and Braun gets out of the way of a Coup de Grace before hitting a running powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman and Ember Moon defeat Finn Bálor and Bayley when Braun pins Finn with a running powerslam.

AJ Styles & Charlotte vs R-Truth & Carmella

AJ and Truth start the match off by dancing until a dance off ensues and everyone except AJ does the splits before Carmella hits a huricanrrana that sends AJ out of the ring. Charlotte chops Carmella before chasing her around ringside until Carmella rolls back into the ring and kicks Charlotte away before rolling back out of it. Charlotte hits a baseball slide before rolling Carmella back into the ring and Carmella locks in the Code of Silence, Charlotte countering it before they clothesline each other. AJ then gets the tag and hits an ushigaroshi for a quick two count before Truth hits an ax kick for a near fall and AJ rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: AJ Styles and Charlotte defeat R-Truth and Carmella via pinfall when AJ pin Truth with a roll up. 

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