
The Undertaker Recalls Hulk Hogan Faking A Neck Injury Following Survivor Series 1991

One year after his debut at Survivor Series 1990, The Undertaker found himself challenging Hulk Hogan for the WWE Title at Survivor Series 1991.

Undertaker was victorious in the match, but his reign was short-lived as he dropped the title back to Hogan just over a week later at This Tuesday in Texas.

Speaking to Peter Rosenberg on Cheap Heat, Undertaker recalled his dealings with Hogan during that time.

“Hogan claims that I hurt him on the Tombstone during the pay-per-view. I didn’t find out until Tuesday. I knew there was going to be another pay-per-view, but I didn’t know I was gonna drop the belt back. That came out of nowhere. I figured like, ‘Okay, maybe it’s because he’s telling everyone that I hurt him.’ Hulk was still the golden goose at the time. ‘Okay, they’re going to take [the belt] off of me because they can’t trust me.’ It really wasn’t explained the reasoning behind it,” he said.

When asked about how he felt after hearing the news that he hurt Hogan, Undertaker said, “I was devasted.”

Of course, he didn’t actually hurt Hogan as Taker recalled how the events unfolded.

“It was a set-up from the get-go. Back then, we would show up around noon, Hogan would roll up around 4 or 5. I remember getting there at noon and Hogan was already there. He goes, ‘Hey kid, can I talk to you?’ We go to the shower — that’s where business was settled — and he goes, ‘I’ve got this neck injury. I’m nervous about taking your finish.’ I said, ‘Hulk, believe me, I will protect you. I pride myself on not hurting people. I promise you, I will have you so tight that there’s no way you will hurt your neck.’ We went about our business. Every point I would pass him during the hall he would be like, ‘Remember my neck.’ That’s all I got, all day. We go to the finish, [Ric] Flair slides the chair in, I pick him up — when I tell you I had the brother secured, he was secure — I give him the Tombstone. As soon as my knees hit, I hear, ‘Oh, you got me, brother.’ I’m like, ‘How?’ I’m 24 and I just crushed Hulk Hogan. That’s what’s going through my head. They gave me this opportunity and I just hurt the golden goose. I’m mortified.”

He continued, “I go backstage and am like, ‘Where is Hulk at?’ ‘Oh, he’s laying on Vince’s office floor.’ I go in to check on him and here come the paramedics. So, I go behind a wall with Shane [McMahon]. I listen to them check him out and I hear, ‘Somebody get my wife and kids on the phone.’ I don’t know what the hell is going on other than the fact that I hurt the golden goose. Shane tells me, ‘Mark, his head wasn’t close to touching the mat.’ I’m like, ‘No, I hurt him.’ We didn’t have access back then to watch things back like we do now, so I didn’t see it until Tuesday in Texas. A lot of boys came up to me and were like, ‘his head never got close to the mat.’ If you watch it back, you can tell his head never touched.”

Once Undertaker saw Hogan again and watched the footage, he confronted him about the incident.

“I got to San Antonio and was like, ‘Terry, I watched it back, your head never hit.’ ‘Oh brother, what it was, you had me so tight that when I came down, I had nowhere to move and that’s what jammed my neck, I couldn’t move at all.’ At that point, I was like, ‘Okay.’ Then I knew what he was all about.”

Hogan left WWE in 1993, but returned in 2002. By that time, The Undertaker was no longer a rookie and had established himself as the locker room leader. Taker went on to say that he remained professional with Hogan and still respected him, but also knew to keep his eye on him. He admitted to laughing when Hogan couldn’t get the motorcycle to start during their feud in 2002.

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