
Triple H Would Welcome Peaceful Protests In WWE

It's been impossible to avoid the peaceful protests carried out throughout sports recently, but could we see them carry over into WWE? If so, Triple H welcomes it.

The protest — started by Colin Kaepernick in 2016 to protest systematic and institutionalized racism — often sees athletes take a knee during the United States National Anthem in honor of those oppressed. Triple H spoke to Sky Sports this week and opened up about his feelings in regard to the protest. 

I speak for myself, personally only, and if it was me I would stand for my national anthem. For my country I would stand. But I and WWE certainly respect the rights of everybody’s first amendment right of freedom of speech, their right to peacefully protest and do what is meaningful to them. Certainly we support that. I question whether there would be a better way to do that,  that maybe wouldn’t offend others or something else. Surely we respect that line.

WWE doesn't typically broadcast the National Anthem on their television shows, and when they do, talent is rarely on stage where a protest would be visible. This week, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver stated that NBA rules mandate standing during the anthem, which was met with mixed results from players.  

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