
Triple H Says NXT Alumni Always Want To Come Back & Work Programs

Triple H is always welcoming NXT family members back home.

Recently, NXT has played host to a lot of former superstars who cut their teeth on the black and gold brand and have now come back as part of the main roster to help elevate the brand.

Triple H recently spoke with Yahoo! about how often he gets requests from alumni to come back to NXT and how he makes it work with the WWE schedule.

“One of the things that I love about NXT is that there’s a bond and a family feel about it,” Hunter began. “It’s something special when people are a part of it. It always reminds me of the pride people have in their college. When you graduate from college you have spent four years of your life there, that’s always your school, you’re proud of it, you wear the sweatshirts, you support the teams, still go to games. I think NXT is like that for a lot of talent. Sasha and Bayley call all of the time asking if they can come down [to Florida] and work. They’re on different brands, so I have to work within the creative components of what they already have, but I see it all the time.”

He continued, “When all of this went down, a lot of the stuff that was happening was Charlotte’s idea, her being a part of the brand, being there on a regular basis. Kevin Owens competing for NXT last year in WarGames was something he had been on me about forever, about wanting to come down and do something. Almost everyone who comes through the door and then leaves is asking if they can come back and be a part of it again. You can see it and feel it in the afternoon when they walk in. It’s like going back in time for them, the excitement level is high even though at its best it’s a smaller building and crowd then they are used to. It’s really cool to see.”

Sasha Banks and Bayley can continue to appear on the black and gold brand for as long as they are the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions as those Champions can travel through all three brands.

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