
Triple H Says If AEW Can Create Memorable Characters And Storylines, “They Can Be Successful”

With NXT and AEW finally going head-to-head, Triple H takes a look at his competition.

In an article by Thrillist, Triple H gave his thoughts on AEW and how it compares to NXT. Though the major players in AEW have close to no affiliation with NXT in the past, Triple H does think that NXT built the template for success that AEW would utilize.

“I don’t mean to knock what they or anybody else is doing, but in a way, NXT created the template to show them that this can be done. The question is, can they continue to do that? It’s one thing to take athletes and put them in the ring and go, ‘Just do crazy shit and see what you come up with.’ Fans will tune in, but they won’t stay, because it’ll lose its luster. After a while, you’ve seen it,” Triple H said.

Although Triple H recognized that the spectacle and allure of a new promotion will work for AEW in the short term, he added that if AEW can’t create memorable characters and engaging storylines, then the promotion’s long-term success could be in jeopardy.

“What will make people stay is the characters and the storylines. If they can create that, then they can be successful. In the short term, it’s easy to make a moment and a spectacle and have people look and watch. To continue that long-term and have it grow is a lot more difficult. I’ve seen that historically prove out with WCW and everybody else under the sun. Time will tell,” Triple H said.

At the very least, AEW can claim that it beat out NXT in the first week both shows went head-to-head. For a complete look at viewership numbers for television shows, including AEW and NXT, click here. The full article can be read at this link.

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