
Triple H Says He Takes Photos With NXT Wrestlers Because He’s More Famous

We've all seen them. A wrestler debuts, signs or accomplishes something in relation to the NXT brand or graduation of such. 

When speaking to the "McMahonsplaining" podcast at the Mae Young Classic Finals, Triple H explained why he takes photos with numerous talent that come through the brand. Triple H was asked by the host of the show if it was hard to balance being a babyface in the realm of NXT and a heel on the main roster of WWE. Triple H explained some of his habits and tendencies, including the infamous photos.

"You know why I take pictures with everybody? Because I'm more famous. When I do that — I take a picture, just on Twitter alone I have six million people that see it. I make them something bigger — that's the attempt. When they don't need it, I don't stand next to them anymore," Triple H said.

There have been instances where "The King of Kings" has garnered the curiosity of viewers or followers when he doesn't post a photo shaking, pointing, endorsing a wrestler. According to the man himself, it's because they don't require it.

"People ask me, 'Why didn't you stand next to that guy when he won the title on SmackDown?' He doesn't need it. He didn't need that promotion. If I can help them, I help them. If I can take them to another level, I try to take them to another level. That's what this is all about, it's creating the future. If I can do that, and help create the future, then I do. Trust me, when this guy comes to get me to shoot that picture when I'm pointing at the guy, it is the last thing pn Earth I possibly want to do at that moment in time, is go take that picture. But I have to do it," said Triple H.

You can hear the interview with Triple H at this link.

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