
Triple H Discusses How WWE Decides To Move Wrestlers From NXT To The Main Roster

Triple H says Elias and other wrestlers fit the main roster vibe more than NXT. 

Elias was moved up unexpectedly from NXT to the main roster about a year ago. In the past, Triple H has said Elias was moved because he was "made for the roster and not NXT." On a media conference call regarding NXT Takeover: New Orleans, Triple H told Fightful Wrestling's Sean Ross Sapp that a lot goes on behind the scenes to make sure wrestlers are ready for the main roster and deciding when to move them. 

"People don't really understand, you see NXT every week or what the product is. That is a  momentary glimpse into what that talent is doing at that time. All of the other components that go into being successful at the main roster level are being taught on a day to day basis at the (performance center) and that learning curve is huge," said Triple H. 

Wrestlers of different skill sets join the WWE Performance Center and NXT and Triple H says the wrestlers are placed where they are most suited. 

"The evaluation becomes not confusing the skill level and what they are doing with the brand and what the brand does. The brand of NXT is a certain brand. 205 Live is a certain brand. It has a different feel and vibe," said Triple H. "When I bring up the Elias thing, I'm always concerned after I say it that people take it the wrong way. It had nothing to do with his skill level, he's talented on all levels. What he does and the way he portrays the character…it's more suitable for that main roster feel and vibe," he continued. 

Triple H went on to say Elias learned the unique aspects of the main roster while at the WWE Performance Center and he was brought up when he was ready and not any sooner.

The full conference call can be heard at the Fightful YouTube channel and the video at the top of this page. 

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