
OFF-TRACK with A-TRAIN: AJ Styles Had His Beloved Briefcase XBOX Stolen

His theme song says "They don't want none," but it turns out, maybe they do.

Someone robbed AJ Styles.

He wasn't mugged or anything like that. Then this story would have had a headline like, "Would-Be Mugger Has Calf Crushed, Accomplice Paralyzed By Styles Clash."

No, it was much more cowardly than that. During the WWE Live Event this past Monday at the Convocation Center in Jonesboro, Arkansas, while Styles was having a match in the ring, someone stole his stuff.

According to WMCActionNews5.com, AJ reported the theft of a black bag to Arkansas State University police that night, and the bag had some interesting contents:

  • $1,000.00 cash
  • iPhone
  • Beats headphones
  • ¥7,000 Japanese yen
  • Small screen TV
  • XBOX 360
  • Six XBOX 360 games

For those of you wondering, ¥7,000 Japanese yen translates to $61.00 in American dollars. What AJ Styles is doing still carrying around sixty-one dollars in Yen a year after his last match in New Japan, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe he was planning on paying off a poker debt to Tajiri the next time he saw him? I have no idea.

But neither the yen or the $1000 in American currency or the iPhone or the Beats headphones are what's important here. Those can all be replaced.

What's important is AJ's most prized possession, his beloved briefcase XBOX.

Yes, as you can hear from AJ himself at the 5:55 mark of the video at the top of the page, he always travels with an XBOX 360 and a tiny monitor, all packed in a small suitcase. He's traveled with it everywhere for years and it's very special to him.

I hope you're proud of yourselves you dirty, dirty thieves. Now how is the WWE Champion supposed to unwind and play season after season of Madden '09 while flying from city to city?

The case, according to the report, is still under investigation, so it's possible AJ gets his precious back unharmed. No word if there have been any ransom demands made yet.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Styles at this difficult time.

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