
Total Non-Stop Deletion Coming To DVD

If you missed Total Non-Stop Deletion last week, the absurdly ridiculous full episode of Impact Wrestling that emanated from "House Hardy" and featured a 45+ Minute Falls Count Anywhere "Tag Team Apocalypto" match where the final fall came as a result of interference by VOLCANO, never fear. According to Broken Matt Hardy himself, Total Non-Stop Deletion is coming to DVD, so you can watch it at home with the whole family, over and over and over again.

According to reports, the DVD will also contain several bonus features, including deleted scenes.

Whoops, we mean "DELETED" Scenes.

One would have to assume that Deleted Scenes are Matt Hardy's favorite kind of scenes.

There has been no word on a release date, pricing, or how one might procure one of these Deletion Video Discs, but when we find out, we'll be sure to let you know.

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