
Total Divas Recap 1/11 Pain in the Neck

This week we learned that Nattie is maybe a little two-faced. Lana is working on her wedding plans and her wedding planner isn’t doing the trick. Lana is going for kind of a circus theme on top of her beach theme and other things that she has planned.  Cue Nattie. Lana asks if she can help her with some of the things that her wedding planner has been having a hard time getting right. Lana goes to Nattie because she obviously really likes and trusts Nattie as a friend AND keeps telling Nattie how much she loves pictures of her wedding and how beautiful it was. Nattie says to everyone else EXCEPT Lana that she has zero interest in being Lana’s wedding planner and that Lana is too high maintenance for her to help.

Nattie goes to R-Truth and asks him what she should do. Truth says to do a bad job of helping Lana that way Lana will fire Nattie and she won’t have to do it.

So instead of Nattie telling Lana she doesn’t want to do it, Nattie goes through an elaborate plan to do a terrible job providing feedback for Lana’s wedding questions and plans. The two go dress shopping together and Nattie picks the worst dresses and colors for the wedding and gives awful suggestions. Then they do cake sampling and Nattie says they should go with vanilla even though Lana and Rusev both want chocolate. Nattie’s advice is that their guests will probably like vanilla better.  Maryse is also at the cake sampling and helps come up with a compromise to do different tiers of different flavors. Lana likes this suggestion, and then Nattie basically says that that idea sucks. 

I feel bad for Lana because all season she has been trying to win over Nattie. Nattie is kind of nice to her face and then says some rude things about her behind her back. C’mon Nattie you are better than that!

Nattie finally reveals to Lana that she wanted to get fired from helping with the wedding and apologizes to Lana. She admits that she should have just told her she didn’t want to help up front. 

This episode we also find out that due to Paige’s injury and possible surgery, she cannot wrestle for a few weeks which means they are killing any storyline she had, especially since the brand split is happening.  Paige is obviously upset and doesn’t know when or if she will wrestle again.

Renee goes on a trip with just Brie and Daniel, Dean Ambrose has decided to just hang out at home. Renee gets sad that Dean doesn't join them and feels like they need vacation time together. He had already booked a surprise trip for the two of them and Renee gets super happy that he does care about the two of them getting time away from everything.

We also find out that Daniel Bryan has been offered a job at WWE. Brie is hesitant for him to accept since they just left the lifestyle associated with WWE. Brie is focusing on becoming a mother and she doesn’t want the job offer to delay that anymore since they are both in their thirties.  Bryan told her that she doesn’t need to worry and they will make it work no matter what. It is revealed at the end of the episode that the job offer was to do commentary for the Cruiserweight Classic. Bryan obviously is back in his element and the world of wrestling is where he needs to be, even if he cannot physically wrestle anymore. 

Tune into Total Divas on the E! Channel Wednesday nights and keep up with us at fightful.com for your recaps!

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