
Total Bellas 10/4: Wine About It

This week on Total Bellas, Brie and Nikki have their wine business meeting, Nikki wears a fake baby bump and drinks wine, and J.J. acts like a man-child the whole episode.

The group is headed toward Sonoma, CA for Brie and Nikki’s wine business meetings. Kathy talks with Brie and wants to make sure they are prepared for their business meeting. J.J. comes on the trip without Lauren.

The kids are picking on Karen more than usual. J.J. takes it upon himself to play pranks throughout the weekend. For dinner, he is going to put a fart machine under a chair. Yes, he is a man in his thirties getting a fart chair set up.

Brie and Nikki feel a little insulted that their mom feels like they aren’t prepared enough for the business meeting. Brie gets frustrated with Kathy for putting herself in the middle of their meeting. The name of the wine is Bella Radici which means beautiful roots. They unveil the bottle art and the family loves the look of the bottle. The conversation turns awkward when Brie tells Bryan she wants to taste the wine they will be selling. Bryan is completely against it and thinks it is unnecessary. Then the fart machine starts going off and it does kill the awkwardness at least.

It comes up that Brie and Nikki have had bad luck with their social media employees. Kathy offers to do it but the girls blow her off. Bryan then talks to her about the gardening seed box he wants to start selling. Kathy is happy that Bryan has come to her. Kathy has been running her own business for the last 20 plus years so she knows what she is talking about and is glad that Bryan appreciates her input, unlike Brie and Nikki.

Nikki tells Brie to taste the wine since it is their business. Nikki says maybe just to take a drink but then spit it out. Brie says she needs to ask Bryan about it. At lunch, Brie tells Bryan about their drink idea. Bryan says he doesn’t think it would do any damage to the baby, however, there are a lot of people that are going to be judging her. Nikki says she wonders what it feels like to have people judging her while she is pregnant. She orders a fake belly so she can see what it is like.

J.J. scares Nikki causing her to spill her wine all over John L. and Nikki throws J.J. in the pool.

The fake belly comes in and Nikki puts it on. They go to the winery and the twins get a ton of glares since Nikki is drinking and wearing the fake belly. She gets served and gets poured a tiny amount. There are a group of girls staring at Nikki and she goes and confronts the group. The group share stories of drinking a small glass of wine while pregnant revealing that they were not judging Nikki harshly.

Later that night Kathy has had a little too much to drink and starts rapping. Bryan thinks it is very entertaining. Kathy tells Bryan that she has a gift for him and she gives him a business book since they talked earlier. Bryan says he can’t believe the twins don’t want her help. Nikki says she wants John Cena’s advice since he is the most successful. Kathy says that John has asked her more questions about business than Nikki ever has. Brie says there are other business mentors that they have. Nikki says she is not interested in her business. J.J. told her that they did bring her in at one point and it didn’t work out. Kathy gets frustrated and says that she sees the twins make a ton of mistakes. She gets so frustrated she leaves the room and says she is going to bed. At the table, Bryan says that they need to be more sympathetic. John L. says she supported them as a single mom, starting the business and being successful. Kathy comes back down crying, she feels slammed by the kids. Bryan says they can’t push the teasing past the point where she was enjoying it. Bryan feels so bad for Kathy that he gets choked up. Kathy just wants the kids to be proud of her. Brie says that they love and appreciate her support. Kathy just doesn’t want them to make some of the same business decisions that she did. The evening ends on a positive note.

They get ready to leave for dinner and J.J. decides to scare Nikki again and she falls on the pavement cutting open her hand. J.J. halfway apologizes and they go to dinner. The wine has two blends and Nikki is so happy with the way it tastes. Brie does not take a drink but does like the way it smells.

The wine trip, all in all, went well. However, maybe J.J. does need to be with Lauren more so he can act like an actual adult.

Catch Total Bellas Wednesday nights on the E! Network.

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