Top WWE Executives Receive Quarterly Bonus
According to the SEC filing by WWE, executives who received bonuses include Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and WWE Producer Kevin Dunn. The bonuses and the recipients are as follows.
Stephanie Lesvesque: $46,963
Paul Levesque: $43,145
Kevin Dunn: $52,062
Michelle D. Wilson: $42,770
George A. Barrios: $42,349
Michael J. Luisi: $28,398
Casey Collins: $23,622
Basil V. Devito Jr: $13,002
Blake Timothy Bilstad: $10,994
Mark Kowal: $8,358
Bonuses for executives are tied to stock performance and their position in the company. Some stock holders also receive quarterly dividends. WWE posts their finacial records and SEC filings on the corporate website.