
TNA Impact Wrestling Recap (August 4th) Bound For Glory Playoffs Mike Bennett vs EC3

Welcome to the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episde of TNA Impact Wrestling. I’m Ryan Cook and I’ll be taking you through all of tonight’s action as the Bound For Glory Series continues.  Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

-Mike Bennett and EC3 come out and talk about their match tonight, EC3 saying that Bennett was the first person to beat him, but he got his redemption and tonight they find out who’s going to win. EC3 mentions  Next we have yet another Rosemary promo about how she grew up and was turned into a deranged woman.

Eli Drake vs James Storm The King of the Mountain title Match

Storm is in control as the match starts, getting a quick 2 count off a neck breaker. Storm hits the Eye of the Storm for a very close 2 count. James Storm hits a superkick and gets the pin and the win, this match was very uneventful and over faster than I thought it would be.

Winner: James Storm via pinfall with a superkick

-After the match Lashley comes out and talks to Storm, talking about all the titles he’s won. Storm talks about how he had won the title, mentioning Kurt Angle, but not by name, saying he beat him in under a minute. Storm says Lashley is an NCAA champion and he could beat him in 30 seconds. Storm says he’s got respect for Lashely because he is as good as he says he is, mentioning how he beats the hell out of people in the ring and in the cage. Lashley asks Storm if he wants his ass whipped or if he’ll just give him the belt and Storm says the respect is gone and he wants to fight tonight. Lashley saying he’ll regret it and he’s going to hurt him really bad.

Allie & Sienna vs Gail Kim

Sienna dominates Gail early, but quickly tags in Allie, giving her directions. I think Sienna hates Allie’s voice as much as I do. Sienna and Allie tag each other in and out, Allie doesn’t know how to do anything, even a body slam. Gail knocks Sienna to the outside and focuses on Allie, trying to just focus on one or the other. Gail goes for Eat Defeat, but it’s reversed. SIenna then hits the AK-47 for a very close 2 count. SIenna accidentally hits The SIlencer on Allie then Gail dropkicks her out of the ring and pins Allie for the win.

Winner: Gail Kim via pinfall

-Matt is backstage with Brother Nero, saying he cost him the match last week and how they dominated the tag division then he had his accident on the dirt bike and lost them the belts. Matt says he’s going to tell a story and he’ll learn what he must do next. Matt acosts Jeff after summoning him to the ring, saying he has tarnished the Hardy brand for years. Matt says that Jeff isn’t allowed to jump from the top rope tonight and that Jeff has to become the tag champions by himself. Matt saying all Jeff does is dive and that made him popular.

Jeff Hardy vs The Jobbers

Matt keeps correcting the crowd who calls Jeff, Jeff, saying he’s Brother Nero as Jeff gets dominated in the ring for the second week in a row.What the hell? Matt just pulled a fan out of the crowd and bit him, making him bleed. This character is going over the top. Jeff almost wins, but Matt hits Twist of Fate, tagging himself in. Matt goes for the cover and gets the win. This wasn’t even really a match, it was a performance, the main focus being Matt biting that guy.

Winner: Matt Hardy via pinfall after a Twist of Fate

-We get another video package for Rosemary then a video package for EC3. 

EC3 vs Mike Bennett

Bennet starts off the match strong, hitting a boot for a quick 2 count. However EC3 drops The Miracle with a clothesline then a military press. Bennet smartly starts focusing on the injured ribs of EC3, getting a quick 2 count after a back body drop. Bennett goes for an octopus stretch ala Katsuyori Shibata as we go to a random commercial?  As we come back Bennett and EC3 exchange german suplexes, EC3 looking for the One Percenter, but Bennett counters. EC3 then hits a powerbomb out of no where for a very close 2 count. Somehow EC3 kicks out a powerbomb off the top rope that was very close. Maria gets out a kendo stick to help EC3, but the referee ejects her. EC3 hits the One Percenter, but the referee was slow to get in, Bennett kicking out. Moose comes out to help Bennett, but is immediately met by Eddie Edwards. Bennett hits EC3 with a kendo stick in the ribs, hitting the Miracle in Progress, but EC3 somehow kicks out. Bennett goes for another M.I.P., btu EC3 counters and hits the One Percenter for the win. What a match these two just put on.

WInner: EC3 via pinfall with the One Percenter

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