TK O’Ryan Expresses Enjoyment In Stealing Ian Riccaboni’s Glasses
TK O’Ryan was interviewed by Wrestling Epicenter’s Interactive Wrestling Radio recently. You can see highlights below and the full interview at this link.
Winning the 6 Man Tag Titles back upon his return:
“Man, it felt like all was right with the world when we won those titles back in Lowell, MA. The build up to it had been so intense with the screaming that there had been a conspiracy against the Kingdom. You’re familiar with wrestling and when a champion loses a title, he gets a rematch. It is just Wrestling 101, it has been that way for over 100 years. It didn’t work that way for the Kingdom. So, to have to bite, scratch, and claw our way back only to have this sort of genesis moment in our backyard with the fans completely on our side was a cool thing. All was right with the world I guess would be the overall feeling!”
On doing color during the recent 6 Man Tag Gauntlet Match:
“Oh, I loved it! I felt like a pig in stink, man! That is my absolute comfort zone. Put a headset on my head and let me talk into a microphone! I was born for that. To do it for RIng of Honor television in the Hammerstein with Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana who are an awesome duo, I loved it! I kept messing with Ian too. I kept putting my finger in his nose. I stole his tie… Stole his glasses! I kept knocking his headset off his ears so he couldn’t hear anything. Love it!
On working Cody Rhodes one on one recently:
“I took away that I could hang with one of the best guys in the world. I knew I could going into the match. My biggest thing is anyone that saw it knows that I’m just as good as a guy like Cody Rhodes. It really comes down to the right lighting and the right context. Having a chance to go up against a guy like Cody in a place like Nashville which is a historic wrestling town… It is tough to come up with a bigger spot than that. I just hope people took notice to what happened in that match.”