
Tessa Blanchard Talks Emotional MYC Match With Kairi Sane

Tessa Blanchard is no stranger to WWE, having appeared for NXT three times. However, her biggest match ever happened recently at the Mae Young Classic.

Blanchard took on Kairi Sane in the final match of the first round. The match has received high marks, and on a recent episode of Busted Open, Blanchard said that the match was a long time coming.

"It still doesn't feel real. It was just such an honor to be out there with Kairi, because her and I were supposed to have a singles match in Japan on two different occasions over the past two or three years. It didn't happen due to just circumstances and the card changing. So her and I were talking and of all places in America in a WWE ring, finally we get to have our singles match. That was really special for us," said Blanchard

According to the second-generation star Blanchard, the two hugged following the match in an emotional moment. 

"Watching it back I was just completely overcome with emotion. The crowd was unreal, they were with us the entire time and the response we got was awesome. Kairi — she's such a superstar — she really deserves to be seen by the world. She's such a phenomenal talent, she's honestly probably one of the best in the world. For her to be over here and have an opportunity with WWE, I'm very proud of her," said Blanchard.

Blanchard would later admit that the match could have been her favorite ever. You can hear her full interview with Busted Open Radio at this link.

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