
Teddy Hart Wants To Wrestle Past 50 Years Old

Teddy Hart recently spoke to Wrestling Epicenter on Interactive Wrestling Radio. You can see highlights below, and the full interview at this link.

Being the MLW Middleweight Champion:
“It has been unbelievable. Actually, I have the tag titles too right now with my cousin Davey Boy Smith Jr. To hold two belts is amazing. This company has been unbelievable to me.”

On leading the Hart Foundation in the 21st Century:
“It has been a huge honor to carry the family name and to be from the Dungeon alone and to be the oldest grandson of Stu Hart. It has its ups and downs. We’ve had a lot of death in our family. But, with death comes either sitting around and moping or getting up and doing something about it and trying to honor the people who are up in Heaven now watching me. It has been a tough 20 years with some stuff and a good with others. MLW has probably been the best thing to happen to me except maybe the MTV show (Wrestling Society X). That was a great show but never really did anything after the first season. Hopefully MLW continues doing well and gives me a platform to show my skills.”

On his age working for or against him:
“I’m getting a little older. Wrestling is something that you can do until you’re 50, maybe even older. I’m pretty excited about this next couple of years. A lot of young guys have come up watching guys like Ricochet, Kenny Omega, Neville, The Young Bucks, myself, Jack Evans… I think the evolution of wrestling is something I’m on the forefront of. The evolution of moves. The whole thing with cool outfits and trying to expand the fan base of wrestling for the next 20 years.”

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