
Ted DiBiase Discusses Origin Of The Million Dollar Man

While wrestling in Japan, Ted DiBiase saw the success of Wrestlemania 3 and decided to make the trek to WWE.

DiBiase told ESPN after he made his desire to work for WWE known, Vince McMahon set a meeting with him. But the meeting was not a straight forward deal. 

"He said 'I got something for you, there have been so many things that have been done, but this has never been done, and just based on what I have seen from you, and your work, you can pull this off , you are articulate'. And I go, 'Awesome, what is it?' And he goes, 'Here is the deal, you have got to sign a contract with me before I tell you.' And (McMahon) said, 'Here is why.' He says, 'If I tell you, and you don't sign, I have given away a great idea, and I can't afford to do that.' I'm like, 'Wow,' and I said 'Okay, I got to have a little time to think about this'" said DiBiase.

To help make his decision, DiBiase asked for guidance from fellow wrestler Terry Funk. 

 "Funk said, 'Teddy, if Vince McMahon has an idea, and he thinks you are tailor-made for it,' he said, 'pack your bag and don't look back. Go'" said DiBiase. 

Guided by the words of Terry Funk, DiBiase was back in front of McMahon and signed to a WWE contract. McMahon then let DiBiase in on his idea for the character to be named "The Million Dollar Man."

"He said the one thing everybody hates is someone who by virtue of their wealth thinks they are better than everybody. You know, that cocky, arrogant, nose in the air, 'I am better than you,' looks down at people. People like that are stuffy and think they can buy anybody and anything. I start chuckling and say, 'I hate people like that myself' He said, 'Now, we have not given this guy a name yet,' and just off the cuff I said, 'It sounds like a million-dollar man to me,' and Vince goes 'The Million Dollar Man he is'" said DiBiase. 

Ted DiBiase would go onto a WWE Hall of Fame career as The Million Dollar Man. He would compete against and manage some of the biggest stars of the era. 

The rest of the interview can be read at ESPN.com.

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