
S.U.P. Swing Of The Axe Results: 3 Title Matches, Plus Allie Kat, Brett Ison, Erick Stevens & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for S.U.P. Swing Of The Axe. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Bonestorm Championship
AJ Gray def. AC Mack to win the title

Bonestorm Championship
AC Mack def. 1 Called Manders to retain the title

SUP Tag Team Championship
Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) def. To Infinity & Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech) to retain the titles

Anthony Henry def. Jaden Newman

Daniel Makabe def. Lee Moriarty

AJ Gray def. Nolan Edwards

Allie Kat def. Davienne

O’Shay Edwards def. Jake Something

Brett Ison def. Erick Stevens

SUP Tag Team Championship
Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) (c) vs. To Infinity & Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech)

The match begins with Cheech working over the arm of Garrini, Garrini gets Cheech down and Cheech goes right to the ropes. Cheech takes a break on the arena floor and he gets tripped up by Garrini when he gets back in the ring, Cheech trips up Garrini and he gets a one count on him. Garrini scores a takedown on Cheech and Cheech rolls for the arm bar, Garrini gets free and Cheech gets to the ropes again. Delaney and Ku are tagged in by their respective partners, Delaney goes for a go behind and Ku attacks him with a chop. Delaney and Ku have a chopping exchange in the middle of the ring, the chopping exchange turns into a striking exchange between the two. Ku ends the exchange by dropping Delaney with a high kick, Garrini tags in and he double teams Delaney with Ku. Garrini gets Delaney up and Cheech interferes to help Delaney drop Garrini, Cheech tags in and he double teams Garrini with Delaney for a near fall. Cheech keeps Garrini on his knees while landing cross face strikes, Cheech corners Garrini while landing shoulder thrusts for a near fall.

Delaney tags in and he kicks an exposed Garrini in the midsection, Delaney corners Garrini while landing some elbow strikes. Cheech tags in and he chokes Garrini on the middle rope, Cheech nails Garrini with a suplex before landing a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall. Delaney tags in and he rakes the eyes of a downed Garrini, Garrini tries fighting back and Delaney corners him. Garrini fights back again and he drops a charging Delaney, Ku and Cheech are tagged in by their partners. Ku quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ku nails Delaney with a sliding knee strike from the ring apron. Ku then hits Cheech with a modified olympic slam for a near fall, Garrini tags in as Delaney gets Ku out of the ring. Cheech nails Garrini with a German suplex for a near fall, Delaney tags back in as Garrini tries fighting back. Ku gets in the ring and he gets taken out before Garrini kicks out of a pin attempt, everybody stays in the ring and they all take each other out. Garrini then hits Delaney with a pile driver for a near fall, Cheech leaves the ring and he gets Ku back out of it.

Delaney and Cheech nail Garrini with a super Cody Driver for a near fall, Ku returns and he battles both members of the opposing team. Ku gets Cheech out of the ring, Garrini and Ku then hit Delaney with a Total Elimination and a Garrini brain buster for a three count.

Winners: Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku), still the SUP Tag Team Champions

Nolan Edwards vs. AJ Gray

The match begins with Gray attacking Edwards before the bell sounds, Gray keeps Edwards cornered as the bell sounds and he lands a ton more strikes. Edwards fights back and he nails Gray with a few shots, Gray recovers and he drops Edwards with a forearm strike. Gray traps Edwards in the ropes while landing a chop, Gray follows up with a suplex on a rocked Edwards. Gray keeps Edwards down while kicking him in the back, Gray follows up by nailing Edwards with more strikes. Gray then cracks Edwards with a running clothesline, Edwards escapes a suplex attempt to nail Gray with some strikes. Edwards then knocks Gray out of the ring with a drop kick, Edwards follows up by taking Gray out with a suicide dive. Edwards gets Gray back in the ring before landing a missile drop kick, Edwards keeps Gray corners while landing a spin kick and knee strike. Edwards nearly drops Gray after landing a running drop kick, Edwards also nails Gray with a rope assisted blue thunder driver for a near fall. Gray recovers and he nails Edwards with a headbutt, Gray crushes Edwards with chops and a lariat for a near fall. Gray nails Edwards with two more lariats for a three count.

Winner: AJ Gray

Allie Kat vs. Davienne

The match begins with Davienne throwing her jacket at Kat before dropping her with strikes, Kat fights back and she lands some strikes of her own. Kat drops Davienne before landing a basement drop kick, Davienne avoids a cannonball before trapping Kat in the ropes to land a neck breaker for a near fall. Davienne keeps Kat trapped in the corner while choking her, Davienne gets Kat out of the corner to land a suplex for a near fall. Davienne gets Kat up while nailing her with an elbow strike and avalanche, Kat fights back and Davienne drops her with a strike to the back. Davienne gets Kat back up and she sends her into the middle turnbuckle before choking her again, Davienne attacks a cornered Kat with strikes and a back suplex for a near fall. Davienne goes for another avalanche and Kat gets out of the way, Kat avoids a kick before rolling Davienne up for a near fall. Kat follows up by nailing Davienne with a knee strike, Kat then hits Davienne with an Alley Cat Splash and a cannonball for a near fall. Kat goes for the Pussy Pile Driver and Davienne avoids it before landing a running forearm strike, Davienne and Kat exchange more forearm strikes.

Kat ends the exchange by tripping Davienne and landing a senton for a near fall, Kat looks for the pile driver again and Davienne avoids it. Kat then hits Davienne with an overhead kick followed by a clothesline, Kat goes to the top rope and Davienne attacks her with strikes. Davienne gets Kat off the ropes before landing a Samoan drop for a near fall, Davienne follows up by sending Kat face first into the middle turnbuckle. Davienne misses a baseball slide drop kick and she accidentally nails the ring post, Davienne leaves the ring and she gets Kat back in. Kat catches Davienne in a rope assisted pile driver from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Allie Kat

Lee Moriarty vs. Daniel Makabe

The match begins with Moriarty working over the arm of Makabe, Moriarty gets Makabe down and Makabe gets up while nailing Moriarty with an arm drag. Makabe goes after the arm of Moriarty and Moriarty gets him down with a head scissors, Makabe gets free and he takes Moriarty down while looking for a pin. Moriarty and Makabe exchange octopus stretch attempts and Moriarty winds up locking it in, Makabe gets free and he avoids a leaping Moriarty before eating a drop kick. Moriarty keeps Makabe down while wrenching away on his arm, Makabe gets free and Moriarty drags him back to the ground while working over his arm. Makabe gets free and Moriarty gets him back down while damaging his arm, Makabe gets to the ropes to get free from Moriarty. Makabe gets Moriarty in a headlock and Moriarty gets free before landing a shoulder tackle, Makabe trips up Moriarty during a roll up attempt to get him in an STF. Moriarty gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Makabe finally gets Moriarty in the octopus stretch. Moriarty gets free and he looks for the Fujiwara arm bar until Makabe gets to the ropes, Makabe trips up Moriarty and he gets him in a single leg crab.

Makabe releases the hold and Moriarty eventually catches him in a triangle choke, Makabe gets free and he nails Moriarty with a butterfly back breaker and suplex for a near fall. Makabe gets back control on Moriarty and Moriarty gets to the ropes, Makabe gets Moriarty up while attacking him with a few strikes. Makabe goes for the Daniel Lock and Moriarty corners him before landing a discus clothesline, Makabe fights back and he nails a cornered Moriarty with a drop kick. Makabe follows up by nailing Moriarty with a back suplex for a near fall, Makabe keeps Moriarty down while pulling back on his arm. Moriarty gets free and he goes for the pin on Makabe, Makabe goes for a back suplex and Moriarty counters with another pin attempt. Moriarty traps Makabe in the corner before landing a few enziguris, Moriarty drops Makabe before landing a double stomp on him. Moriarty then hits Makabe with a modified falcon arrow for a near fall, Makabe goes for some strikes and Moriarty drops him with some of his own.

Moriarty and Makabe have a back and forth until both go for roll ups, Makabe catches Moriarty in a rear naked choke and Moriarty gets free with a pin attempt. Makabe then gets a downed Moriarty in a knee bar and Moriarty kicks his way free, Moriarty goes to the top rope and he nails Makabe’s arm with a double stomp. Moriarty gets Makabe in a Fujiwara arm bar and Makabe makes it to the ropes, Moriarty goes to the top rope and he grabs makabe’s arm. Makabe gets free and he cracks Moriarty with a right before climbing the ropes, Makabe nails Moriarty with a super huracanrana for a near fall. Makabe gets Moriarty in the Makabe Lock and Moriarty gets to the ropes, Moriarty and Makabe have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Makabe ends the exchange by nailing Moriarty with a dragon screw leg whip, Makabe then hits Moriarty with a leg trap German suplex for a near fall. Makabe misses a leap and he crashes into the ropes, Moriarty gets Makabe in the Makabe Lock and Makabe gets free. Makabe catches Moriarty in a modified Makabe Lock and a tap out follows.

Winner: Daniel Makabe

Jake Something vs. O’Shay Edwards

The match begins with nobody gaining control after a lockup, Something gets Edwards in a headlock and Edwards gets free. Something tricks Edwards before attacking him with strikes to the back of the head, Something gets Edwards to the ring apron and Edwards gets back in before landing a release German suplex on Something. Something leaves the ring and Edwards follows him out there while landing a few strikes, Something fights back and Edwards sends him back first into the ringside edge. Edwards gets Something back in the ring and Something kicks the ropes into his balls, Something runs over a dazed Edwards. Something waits for Edwards to get up before dropping him with forearm strikes, Edwards recovers and he nails a charging Something with a spine buster followed by a dead lift German suplex. Edwards sets up for a power bomb and Something counters with a back body drop, Edwards recovers and he nails Something with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Something and Edwards have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Something eventually drops Edwards with a clothesline to the back of the head.

Something then hits Edwards with a sliding lariat to the back of the head for a near fall, Something follows up with a sit out power bomb on Edwards for another near fall. Edwards fights back and he nails Something with a swinging uranage for a near fall, Edwards misses a corner spear and Something lands one on him. Edwards then hits Something with a spinning back fist and a burning hammer for a near fall, Edwards then hits Something with a sit out pile driver for a three count.

Winner: O’Shay Edwards

Jaden Newman vs. Anthony Henry

The match begins with Henry backing Newman into the corner before missing a chop, Newman nails Henry with a chop of his own. Newman avoids more Henry chops while landing some more of his own, Henry eventually drops Newman with a shoulder tackle. Newman then hits Henry with a springboard arm drag follows by a drop kick, Henry gets Newman to the ring apron before landing a leg sweep and drop kick to send him to the arena floor. Henry follows Newman out of the ring to attack him with some strikes, Henry gets Newman in the ring before kicking him in the back. Henry keeps Newman on his knees while landing a plethora of kicks to his upper body, Newman tries getting up and Henry nails him with a leg sweep. Henry corners Newman while landing more strikes and chokes, Henry follows up with a basement drop kick on Newman for a near fall. Newman tries fighting back and Henry drops him with a slap to the face, Newman fights back again and Henry nails him with a double dragon screw leg whip. Henry keeps Newman down while trapping his legs and landing strikes.

Henry bridges backwards while damaging the legs of Newman, Newman eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Henry gets up and he kicks away at a downed Newman, Newman takes a few swings at Henry and Henry drops him with a right. Henry follows up by attacking Newman with more leg kicks, Newman fights back and he drives Henry to the mat head first with a leaping kravat. Newman catches a leaping Henry and he nails him with a TKO, Newman then hits Henry with a top rope meteora for a near fall. Henry recovers and he nails Newman with an enziguri followed by a tornado DDT, Henry then hits Newman with a brain buster for a near fall. Henry goes for an ankle lock and Newman gets to the ropes before eating a German suplex for a near fall, Newman and Henry have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Henry misses a head kick and Newman misses the First & Last, Henry gets Newman in a dragon sleeper and a tap out follows.

Winner: Anthony Henry

Erick Stevens vs. Brett Ison

The match begins with Stevens working over the arm of Ison until Ison gets to the ropes, Ison gets Stevens into the corner and Stevens gets free. Stevens traps Ison in the corner before landing an elbow strike, Ison gets angry and he attacks Ison with multiple strikes and a face wash. Stevens and Ison exchange a few strikes until Stevens catches Ison in an arm bar, Ison gets free and Stevens traps both of his arms until Ison gets to the ropes. Stevens gets up and he cracks Ison with a few more strikes, Stevens follows up by nailing Ison with a side Russian leg sweep and then applying a grounded octopus to him. Ison starts getting angry as Stevens nails him with more strikes, Ison and Stevens have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Ison corners Stevens before landing multiple corner clothesline sand an arm capture suplex, Ison then hits Stevens with a death valley driver for a near fall. Ison misses a discus forearm strike and Stevens nails him with a few strikes, ison fights back and he nails Stevens with a back drop driver. Ison then hits Stevens with Street Justice for a near fall, Ison follows up by nailing Stevens with a rip cord spinning back fist for a three count.

Winner: Brett Ison

Bonestorm Championship
AC Mack (c) vs. 1 Called Manders

The match begins with Manders dropping Mack with a forearm strike, Manders gets Mack up before nailing him with a shoulder tackle. Mack leaves the ring and he nails Manders with a few strikes when he returns, Manders catches a leaping Mack to land an overhead belly to belly suplex. Manders then hits a cornered Mack with a bunch of chops, Manders follows up by tossing Mack across the ring. Manders goes to the top rope and Mack crotches him a short time later, Mack knocks Manders off the ropes after landing a leaping head kick. Mack follows up by choking Manders on the middle rope, Manders fights back and Mack nails him with a throat strike followed by a basement drop kick for a near fall. Manders fights back again and he nails Mack with a few strikes, Mack escapes Manders’ grasp and he nails him with a leg lariat for a near fall. Mack follows Manders around the ring while attacking him with strikes and chokes, Manders gets free and he nails a charging Mack with a power slam. Manders gets up first and he nails Mack with some strikes, Manders corners Mack before landing a bunch of chops.

Manders then nails a cornered Mack with multiple avalanches, Manders traps Mack in the ropes before landing a dragon suplex for a near fall. Manders stands Mack up while landing clothesline strikes on him, Mack avoids a lariat before landing a leaping clothesline on Manders for a near fall. Mack goes for a meteora and Manders catches him before landing an Oklahoma stampede for a near fall, Manders gets Mack on the top rope and he follows him up there. Manders looks for a super power slam and Mack gets free to get Manders off the ropes, Mack then hits Manders with a basement drop kick. Manders recovers and he nails Mack with a slam, Manders goes to the middle rope and Mack nails him with an enziguri. Mack gets Manders off the ropes before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Mack follows up with a head kick for another near fall. Mack goes for the Mack 10 and Manders escapes to land a doctor bomb for a near fall, Manders follows up by crushing Mack with a lariat and Mack falls out of the ring.

Manders tries getting Mack back in the ring and he gets him on the ring apron, Manders climbs the ropes and Mack attacks him with a few strikes. Mack climbs the ropes and Manders nails him with a super power slam for another near fall, Manders goes back up to the top rope and he misses a moonsault attempt. Mack kicks Manders into the ref before landing a low blow, Mack catches Manders in a roll up for a three count.

Winner: AC Mack, still the Bonestorm Champion

After the match, AC Mack does some trash talking on the microphone and AJ Gray makes his way to the ring. Gray gets the microphone and he talks about how he built SUP, Gray demands a title shot and Mack turns him down before low blowing Gray and telling the ref to ring the bell.

Bonestorm Championship
AC Mack (c) vs. AJ Gray

The match begins with Mack rolling up Gray for a near fall, Gray escapes a Mack 10 attempt and he nails Mack with a lariat for a three count.

Winner: AJ Gray, your new Bonestorm Champion

After the match, AJ Gray talks about winning the title when Brett Ison comes out to shake his hand. 

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