
Stu Bennett Reveals What His Character Was Going To Be For Fifth Season Of Lucha Underground

Stu Bennett details what his on-screen role in Lucha Underground was supposed to be.

At the end of Lucha Underground’s season four, Bennett made an announced appearance in a vignette, ending the show on a cliffhanger. However, a fifth season never materialized. Bennett, formerly known as Wade Barrett, spoke with Andrew Thompson of Post Wrestling and revealed what those plans were, which included him being the leader of an army and was going to be called The Lord.

“So they were very clear on the pitch with me for that one. It kind of came out of the blue but they told me, ‘Look, we haven’t got funding yet or approval for a season five but we want a big finish to season four and we’ve got some ideas. We’ve been building this character, this mythical character for a little while and we think you’d be the perfect fit for it. Here’s what we’re suggesting, we’ll film it, we’ll put it out. Hopefully we’ll get funding for the fifth one but we can’t guarantee it. What do you say?’ And coincidentally, I was gonna be in L.A. when they were filming anyway so I agreed to do it. It was a very short film cycle. I think they needed me for about three or four hours just to film that little segment so I went and did it and unfortunately, it seems like Lucha Underground is done and dusted now. Maybe it’ll come back one day but the plan was that I was gonna be this kind of character who was controlling an army of guys. I think they were gonna call me The Lord. The Lord of Wrestling or something like that and I was gonna be controlling these guys who were gonna come in and take over The Temple and attack everyone. A bit like my Nexus days if I’m quite honest with you. It sounded a bit like that so who knows where it could’ve gone. I don’t think the idea was fully fleshed out but, that was the rough pitch that was given to me,” Bennett said.

Although Bennett’s time in Lucha Underground was only relegated to a mere few seconds, he wasn’t entirely done with the industry. He would go on to do commentary work for the NWA.

The full interview can be seen in the video at the top of the page. You can read the full interview here.

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