
Steve Austin On The Lack Of True Competition For WWE: “I Wish There Was Another WCW Around”

The days of the Monday Night Wars are long behind us, and WWE now stands alone at the top of the mountain with no real competition to speak of. Steve Austin, who worked for both WCW and WWE during his career, says the lack of competition is one of the main reason the on-screen product has stagnated a bit. Without competition to push you, there's no motivation to get better, Austin said.

Speaking on The Steve Austin Show, Stone Cold said this:

"First of all, I think competition is paramount. I wish there was another WCW around. It was so fun back in the Monday Night Wars, to go head-to-head with those guys. They were pulling out everything but the kitchen sink. We were doing the same, and they kicked our ass in the ratings for about two years. Then, we turned the tables on them. The product was at its absolute best or was at least striving to be from a writing and performance standpoint and from a storytelling standpoint. So competition is key. WWE is the holy grail. It is the major leagues. It always has been. And WCW put up a valid fight back in the day. Back in the day, I was in WCW fighting WWF! So competition is king. I wish there was another federation for WWE (to compete with)."

You can listen to the entire podcast at this link.

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