
SRS Smackdown Blog: Title Matches, James Ellsworth, Smackdown Christmas

Sean Ross Sapp's Smackdown Live running blog!

WWE World Championship
AJ Styles (c) vs. James Ellsworth

  • This was hilarious. AJ Styles caught a kick, punched him a few times and Ellsworth sold dead. Great.
  • Styles dropped Ellsworth across the announce table, and it looked nasty.
  • Styles unleashes a fantastic ass kicking on Ellsworth. I really enjoyed this
  • This beatdown needed to happen. The quick result needed to happen. AJ is an outstanding champion.
  • Dolph Ziggler comes out with full on 1989 Warrior/Kerry Von Erich hair and yadda yadda.
  • Baron Corbin comes out and says Ziggler wastes chances, ends up hitting him with the End of Days. A lot of crying about what people deserve doesn't get anyone over.

Intercontinental Championship
The Miz (c) (w/ Maryse) vs. Apollo Crews

  • So after like, months with jack shit, Crews is back on Smackdown in an IC title match after a Tribute to the Troops win.
  • Crews hit a sick German Suplex on Miz.
  • This was a really good athletic display from Crews.
  • Maryse gets tossed, but it's inconsequential. I'm cool with that.
  • Miz cheats to win. It gives Crews a reason for a rematch and gets Miz over as a heel. 
  • This was my favorite Crews match in WWE.
  • Miz calls out Renee Young for sleeping with Dean Ambrose. Oh shit! Great reaction. Great reaction when she slapped him, too. 
  • This was a fantastic segment from everyone involved. From Crews to Young to everyone in between.

Women's segments

  • Carmella's reaction to being called a snitch was great.
  • Natalya throws Carmella into a Christmas tree. I'm not ever going to get tired of seeing that stuff.
  • Natalya admits to attacking Nikki, calls her a bitch a couple of times.
  • She starts with a kickass promo that trails off at the end, but brings it back by getting a great reaction when she says Cena will never marry her.
  • Backstage, Alexa Bliss has a good segment with Daniel Bryan where he books her in a title match against Becky Lynch next week, and an opponent tonight. She's really, really good.

Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper (w/ Wyatt Family) 

  • I've seen this match on TV 8 times before. Too much. Either way, I'm sure Ambrose will win.
  • Harper using the Torture Rack as a setup submission? I don't know how I feel about that. Cool on him for using the move, but it's one that used to submit people immediately in title matches.
  • Ambrose wins, Wyatts jump him. Not sure what to make of that Wyatt Family finishing move.

Alexa Bliss vs. La Luchadora 

  • It's Becky in a mask, and she wins with a DisArmHer.
  • Lynch changed up her move set for this and did it really, really well.
  • Everything La Luchadora did was more organic than Kalisto. 

Ryan Phillipe. Mojo vs. Curt Hawkins

  • "Have you guys seen Randy Orton around anywhere? Have you seen him?"- Ryan Phillipe.  "No"- Stage hand ten minutes after Orton was on TV.
  • Curt Hawkins and Mojo Rawley confront each other. Mojo is a way better talker but comes off as a superdouche.
  • Curt Hawkins says he'll beat Rawley with…..Cruel Intentions. Aw son of a bitch.
  • This match was short and doody. Phillipe gets in the ring. Thanks, Smackdown. My wife found out her childhood crush is like 5"7'. Points for me!

Backstage segments, More

  • James Ellsworth is backstage comically iced and bandaged. He can't even talk. Carmella is taking care of him. Oh boy.
  • Really cool video package highlighting John Cena's return. 

Top Contender's Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin

  • This match is nothing special, it follows the Smackdown format of a babyface defending number one contendership, because they're dumb
  • AJ Styles realizing he's slept on Baron Corbin until he sat in the booth is kind of interesting.
  • Corbin's Deep Six is one of those moves that needs to finish someone
  • Why would Corbin not get back in the ring? Dumbass.

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