
Sports Reporter Caught Watching WWE Instead Of NBA Finals; Triple H & Matt Hardy Comment

NBA reporter Jason Jones was caught watching Extreme Rules during the NBA Finals, but Triple H and Matt Hardy backed him up.

Game 3 of the NBA Finals is tonight, with the Golden State Warriors up 2-0 against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Tonight is also a somewhat anticipated episode of NXT on the WWE Network, where Hideo Itami will have his first match since losing his title opportunity at Takeover Chicago. 

Both start at 8 pm est.

If you're struggling with the decision of which to watch, you're probably NBA reporter Jason Jones. who was caught at Game 2 on Sunday night, watching WWE Extreme Rules on his laptop while AT THE NBA FINALS GAME THAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE COVERING.

You can tell from the purple ropes in the screenshot that he is currently watching the Cruiserweight Championship match between Neville and Austin Aries.

Jones caught some flak for essentially being off-task at work, so he reached out to WWE COO Triple H for some backup.

Triple H, seeing an opportunity for a marketing angle, re-tweeted a response:

And Matt Hardy, because he is Matt Hardy, decided to get into the act as well:

If somehow the Cavs mount a comeback similar to last year's finals, and there's a Game 7, it will be on June 18–the same night as WWE Money In The Bank.

So it looks like Jason Jones might have to multi-task again.

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