
Shayna Baszler Costs Nia Jax A Chance To Become WWE Raw Women’s Champion

It appears that the time has finally come for Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler to separate.

Despite the fact that they have been paired for a year, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler started out as enemies and at one point, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler even tried to fight in the short-lived Raw Underground setting. Now, after spending many months as WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, it appears the duo has finally separated as of September 6 after Shayna cost Nia a chance to become WWE Raw Women’s Champion in a match with Charlotte Flair.

Here is how it all went down:

WWE RAW Women’s Championship Match
Charlotte Flair (c) vs Nia Jax

Charlotte rushes Nia before they brawl and the referee separates the two before reprimanding them and Charlotte rolls out of the ring before facing off with Shayna and Nia grabs her by the hair and Charlotte snaps her neck across the top rope before clotheslining Charlotte and Charlotte chop blocks her. Nia then sets Charlotte up top and Charlotte hits an avalanche powerbomb for two before Nia counters a Figure Four and hits Charlotte with a German into the corner before Charlotte rolls out of the ring and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Charlotte exiting the ring with Nia at ringside before Charlotte hits a moonsault and Shayna nearly accidentally hits Nia before Nia gets back into the ring and headbutts Charlotte before hitting a running splash in the corner and setting Charlotte up top before Shayna distracts Nia and Charlotte hits the Natural Selection for the pin and the win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair retains her RAW Women’s title by defeating Nia Jax via pinfall.

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