
Sexy Star Comments On TripleMania Incident With Rosemary

Days after Sexy Star made headlines over a reported shoot armbar during AAA's TripleMania show, the Lucha Underground star has made her first public comments on the matter.

Sexy Star appeared on the Mexican reality show Bailadísimo where she talked about the incident she had with Rosemary at the TripleMania event from August 26.

These past days have been very difficult for me. On Saturday, I had a championship match and it was rough. I think everything just got out of hand. I don't know, it's a situation that right now I'm still a bit confused about. I want to remain silent for the time being and when the time comes, I will touch upon this topic.

Men and women want to end me, retire me from the sport. I'm here like I said from the beginning and I won't stop representing all the women that have been mistreated and abused physically and psychologically. 

I have to be stronger. At one time, I went through depression and I managed to get out of that predicament and I will get out of this one as well.

I was doing what I felt needed to be done, what people deserve and that is to fight tooth and nail to the end. That's what happened and I made her surrender. It seems that [Rosemary] is injured. I just don't know. That's the only thing I can say.

I have been the victim of cyber bullying and the truth is, it's a very delicate situation. People can't imagine the great amount of damage they can cause. The thoughts that these people can convey can make one feel trapped, incompetent, lonely, but I know I'm not. I have a beautiful family and I have a daughter. I also have my parents alive and well thanks to God and they are with me, knowing what happened and they have not left me. I appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all.

I had reached out to Sexy Star, real name Dulce Garcia, less than 24 hours after TripleMania had ended and she said she wanted to rest for a few days while the situation calms down a bit, but wasn't sure if she would ever talk in detail on the matter. She did tell me that, while she didn't want to talk about it at the time, she did not rule out commenting on it at some point in the future.

This isn't the first time in which Sexy Star has stated she poured her emotions in a match. Back in the second season of Lucha Underground, Sexy Star had a "No Mas" match, which is essentially an "I quit" match, against Mariposa. The match was one of the highlights of Sexy Star's career in Lucha Underground and that match was her expression of the depression and domestic abuse she suffered and reference from the statement.

"The truth is, coming back to that match was very emotional and sentimental for me. It was a match that pretty much marked my life. It was interesting because [head Lucha underground writer and co-executive producer] Christopher DeJoseph and [senior producer] Matthew Stollman suggested the idea and wanted to take my real-world experiences and pains dealing with abuse, both psychologically and physically, and be able to connect with people. The pain of being humiliated and abused was big and there was a point in that match that I was able to take out all of anger, sorrow and rage and show that if you have the heart for it, you can do anything. That whole experience was so emotional for me as a person. It made me relive so many painful memories. Having my hand raised after that match with all the blood coming out of my body, it helped heal my heart of all those troubling times and the match really brought together the story of my real life and the story being told in the ring. Sexy Star is not just a character that you can tell 'Ah she’s going to be a heel or, oh, it’s Sexy Star. Look how pretty she is.' Sexy Star is me, Dulce Garcia. Sexy Star is just an image portrayed on television, but her heart, my heart, is that of Dulce Garcia. I think it was very important that have that in mind when I’m out there in the ring," Sexy Star told me several months ago.

Sexy Star said one of the reasons why she turned to professional wrestling several years ago was to combat depression and since then she's been dealing with pent-up aggression that was portrayed in the Mariposa match in a worked manner. Although emotions-wise, there are certain parallels between the two, Sexy Star's facial expressions when she was asked what happened in the TripleMania match did seem to indicate that she meant to shoot on Rosemary in that moment.    

"One of the main reasons I trained in wrestling was because I had to deal with depression thanks to a former boyfriend. I had that deep-rooted anger welling up inside of me and I had to just tell everyone, 'women are not just objects that you can just abuse physically and psychologically.' I wanted to show that women are tough and I had left it all on the ring every match and I think I was successful in doing that. We’re at this point in which women are being featured more often and I think we’ve proved that an angry, determined and prepared woman can be just as, if not more, dangerous than a big man," Sexy Star told me earlier this year.  

Sexy Star was repeatedly asked by the host what exactly happened multiple times, giving a small smile that hinged between a nervous one and a sly one, before simply stating that she made Rosemary tap. Regarding the massive negative attention towards Sexy Star by many wrestlers all over the world, Sexy Star did say she's being attacked.

"I am a victim of [of the cyber bullying as a result from this,]" Sexy Star said on the show. 

Sexy Star was competing at TripleMania where she retained her Reina de Reinas title in a Fatal Four-Way match against Rosemary, Ayako Hamada and Lady Shani. Sexy Star retained the title by making Rosemary submit, but kept applying the armbar even after the match had already ended. 

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