
Seth Rollins Talks Getting Revenge On Triple H And What He Learned From Ambrose And Reigns

Seth Rollins recently spoke with international media to promote Sunday's WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Now that he's lost his spot in the Rumble match to Sami Zayn, thanks to Triple H–or at least, Triple H's music–he's got vengeance on the brain even more.

"I've been trying to find (Triple H) for two or three months now and if he shows up it will give me the opportunity to put my foot in his mouth!," Rollins told Sky Sports. "I have been calling him out on television and social media and can't seem to get anything from him, so maybe he is comfortable in his suit and sitting in his penthouse. Maybe The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, the guy that wielded the sledgehammer is done and gone – we'll see if he is the man and if he has the cojones to answer me and protect his legacy.

"One way or another I am going to get my hands on him – whether it's in the ring, backstage or at WWE headquarters. I am going to find a way to make him pay for what he did to me. He deserves everything that comes to him and more and I would like a no disqualification match because I don't want anyone telling me what I can and can't do when it comes to getting revenge. There is some unfinished business and sooner or later we are going to get around to it – whether it's at WrestleMania, before or after."

Rollins was asked what he learned from his former stablemates in the Shield, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

"From Ambrose, I learnt about unpredictability and letting loose a little bit. I am a reserved person but Ambrose is the opposite – very whimsical and wild. Being around him brought out some of that in me, which I needed. From Roman, I learnt about presence and how to carry myself. He walks around with a ton of confidence and people sense that and take note of it. That helps with the way they perceive you.

"We have very different personalities but we meshed well together, complemented each other and established a relationship with the WWE Universe. Whenever all three of us were together at the same time it was just magic – but I don't think any of us realised just how much impact and how much noise we had made as a group until it was over. Over the last couple of years, the question I get asked more than any other is 'when are the Shield going to get back together?' That's pretty powerful."

You can read the entire interview at this link.

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