
Seth Rollins Says The Shield’s Breakup Angle Came Out Of Nowhere: “We Weren’t Ready”

Seth Rollins was a recent guest on the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, and revealed that he and his Shield brethren where not really prepared for their break-up.

In case you somehow don't remember, you can watch the video at the top of the page, but on June 2, 2014, the night after defeating Evolution at Payback, Seth Rollins turned heel on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, and the rest, as they say, is history. But this new storyline development didn't seem like a sure-fire success at the time: The angle came out of the blue, and each man in the trio had his doubts about whether it was a good idea; Rollins points out that they had just started their big babyface run and they all thought that story had more to tell. But in hindsight, he admits it worked out pretty well for everyone.

“It was thrust upon us very quickly. I don’t know if that story's been told or not, but we were not prepared so well for the break up – ‘yeah, you’re going this way, you’re going this way, you’re going that way’ sort of thing. We weren’t ready for it. We thought we had a big babyface run in us, which is what we just started. We had two months with Evolution, having a couple of six-mans. We were like, ‘alright, let’s go! This is the idea we have to kind of push ourselves in that direction’ and they were like, ‘no! We need three singles stars and we need them right now.’ And I was like, ‘well, if it’s going to (happen), there's no better time than when we were on top of the world, so it worked really well.

"I was hesitant at first because I didn’t really see it that way, myself as the bad guy of the group. But once it was kind of laid out and the ball started rolling in my head, I was like, ‘okay, this is definitely something I can slide into’ and it worked out quite well.”

Rollins won the Money In The Bank Ladder Match later that month, cashed in during the Main Event of WrestleMania 31 and became World Champion, a title he held until he blew out his knee at a Live event in November. Reigns and Ambrose have also held the WWE Title since their break-up, and now Ambrose & Rollins are back together again as RAW Tag Team Champs.

You can listen to the entire podcast at this link.

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