
Seth Rollins Says His Reunion With Dean Ambrose Was A Change Of Plans

Seth Rollins is having a blast teaming with his old Shield brother. His reunion with Dean Ambrose has been a huge hit with the fickle WWE universe and Rollins tells Sam Roberts that getting that kind of response means a lot to him. He doesn't even mind that he's out of the Universal title picture for the first time since coming back from injury in Spring of 2016; being one half of the Raw Tag Champions suits him just fine.

“The last couple of weeks and really this whole thing with Ambrose has gone extremely well and I think that’s just a testament to he and I, and The Shield, and the bond we sort of created with the audience over the past five or six years, stuff like that and we’ve been doing it, so it’s cool to see that everyone’s still emotionally invested in us as characters. And the fact that we are now on the same side, people are excited to see where we go moving forward. Keep me away from that world title picture right now! I’m having fun doing what I’m doing here. I think the fact that people are so emotionally invested in myself and Ambrose is really cool.”

Rollins also talked about the possibility of turning this partial Shield reunion into a full on reboot. But while he wouldn't mind if Roman Reigns got became the third fist in the triangle again, Rollins knows Roman has bigger fish to fry on his own right now.

“He’s obviously doing just fine for himself. Yeah, he’s doing alright. Whether you love him or hate him, he’s doing alright. He's been in three WrestleManias in the main event now–say what you will about it, but it’s an impressive feat. There are not many men in the history of our industry who’ve been able to do that. So who knows? I mean, right now we’re happy with where we’re at and we’re in a good spot with me and Dean. If we do tell that story, we’ve got a long way to get there and if it happens, I’d welcome it. I’d welcome the possibility, but I’m really happy with the Ambrose situation right now and I don’t want to force anything.”

Rollins also divulged a little tidbit that the Shield Version 0.66 reunion was a last-minute change of plans, but it's a change of plans that Rollins is perfectly okay with.

“I believe what the plan was for me and Bray Wyatt to go a few pay-per-views. And them, whatever happened, happened. Something changed and they shuffled the deck and they ended up having to reposition, which, actually, worked out much better for me, in my personal opinion. But yeah, it's been almost a month or so that I’ve kind of known that we were heading in this direction.”

Bray Wyatt defeated Seth Rollins at Great Balls of Fire on July 9, and by the end of the day on August 20, Seth Rollins had become RAW Tag Champions with his former mortal enemy for the better part of three years, Dean Ambrose. Funny how things happen.

You can listen to the entire episode of The Sam Roberts Podcast at this link.


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