
Seth Rollins On Brock Lesnar’s Title Reign: “Not The Right Way To Make The Title Mean Something”

Seth Rollins had some choice words for current WWE Universal titleholder Brock Lesnar and his run as champion.

One striking characteristic of Lesnar’s more recent title reigns is WWE is his part-time schedule and how infrequent he appears on WWE television compared to previous champions. With SummerSlam taking place on August 11, Rollins, who is challenging Lesnar for the title, appeared on the Fight Club Podcast to discuss his thoughts on the Universal champion.

When asked about how he feels about Lesnar as the Universal champion, Rollins doesn’t have as much of an issue with Lesnar working a part-time schedule with the fact that he believes Lesnar doesn’t really care much about being a WWE champion. While Rollins recognizes that the way Lesnar carries himself is unique, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is the right way to make the Universal title, which has only been around since the summer of 2016, be worth much.

“My opinion of it is that the WWE Championship will always feel special. My point with Lesnar is that he doesn’t care. There’s no heart or soul when it comes to the WWE and it’s all about making the most money. There’s no passion, he doesn’t aspire to be anything. Nobody on the planet says, ‘Brock Lesnar is my favorite wrestler.’ I think taking the title to these different towns and having a title match on top every single night makes it mean something and it’s something the rest of the locker room strives to achieve. When you don’t have that, there’s no standard. When you have a champion like Lesnar, who shows up whenever he wants and he’s above everyone, then you run into issues. What did that help? Does it help our business? I don’t think so and that was my point more than anything. I think it makes it special in his way, but it’s not the right way to make the title mean something,” Rollins said.

Now this doesn’t mean that Rollins believes that Lesnar is unworthy of being a champion or is doubting his capabilities of a performer. But in regards to his current reign as the Universal champion or his past reigns with the belt, Rollins calls Lesnar “a terrible champion.”

“He is worthy of the title and being a champion. There’s no denying what Brock Lesnar is capable of, as far as being an athlete and being a performer. But the truth is, he’s just not a good champion. He’s supposed to inspire people and supposed to make people appreciate what you do, love this industry, be a part of this industry as a fan and as a performer, what have you. But Lesnar as a champion does none of those things. He is a capable performer, maybe one of those capable, but he’s a terrible champion in my opinion,” Rollins said.

The full podcast can be seen at this link with Rollins appearing at around the 50:12 mark. Fightful will have live coverage of SummerSlam as well as a live podcast immediately after the show ends.

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