
Session Moth Martina Recalls Hurting Her Ankle Dancing Before A Hardcore Match

Thumbtacks? Tables? Fire? 

None of that compares to going so hard during your entrance that you hurt your ankle and it becomes a nagging injury for years. 

Appearing on ROH Strong, Session Moth Martina recalled a nagging ankle injury that has gotten the chance to heal while she hasn’t been able to wrestle during the pandemic. 

“Seven or eight years ago, in training, I jumped off the top rope and landed on my ankle really bad and it never healed right,” she recalled. “I would do something and roll on it. I had my first hardcore match in my home promotion and it was the same week I was going to the States and Japan. I was doing Mania week and then flying to Japan. I did the hardcore match and rolled on it on my entrance. Not even during the hardcore match, where I took every bump, did thumbtacks, fire, staples to the head. I was dancing to the ring and rolled my ankle. Ever since then, it’s something where if I trip over it a little, it swells up. This last year, even though I’ve been running, it’s fine. My back is fine, my neck is fine. It’s amazing, but also makes me scared like, ‘Is it gonna hurt more after this?'”

Martina has not wrestled since the pandemic started. She filmed a match for ROH television at Sam’s Town in Las Vegas when the pandemic shut things down in March that aired on the January 1, 2021 episode of ROH Television. 

Elsewhere during the interview, Session Moth discussed her decision to sign with ROH over WWE. You can find her full comments by clicking here

If you use any of the quotes above, please give a h/t and link back to Fightful for the transcription. 

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