
Sean Waltman Says Liv Morgan Concussion Situation Can Be A Learning Experience For WWE

Liv Morgan, Brie Bella and WWE have the wrestling world talking for a lot of the wrong reasons.

A kick from Bella that left Morgan concussed has everyone chiming in, including former WWE, TNA and WCW wrestler Sean Waltman. On a recent episode of his X-Pac 12360 Podcast, he spoke out about the incident and his experience dealing with concussions.

The natural instinct when you get concussed, when you get knocked out, as soon as you come up is to get up and fight and keep going. It’s a really weird experience because you all of a sudden are laying on the ground and there’s this deja vu thing. Happens every time I have a concussion….Even last year in the U.K, I got knocked out it was the same thing all of a sudden I am on the ground on the mat having deja vu going through my head… It’s a tough call in a situation like that on live TV and everyone is in the moment, I saw a clip of that and to me it just looks like the last one caught her because she was registering the kicks when she would get kicked. It was just their timing, it got messed up, it looked like to me. And as she was coming back down from registering the kick she got kicked with the last one. It looked like just the last one is what knocked her out to me. Shit happens, and no one means to do that…I am not gonna fault anyone for not doing anything if wasn’t part of protocol. However, this might be a good learning experience to start training the referees on what to do… That would be something I am pretty sure they’re already talking about.

As of now, there’s no timetable for Morgan’s return, or any word on her status for WWE Super Show-down this weekend. 

You can check out Waltman’s full podcast at this link or above. 

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