
Sean Ross Sappdown Live (8/1): Nakamura vs. Cena, Styles vs. Owens, Match Ratings, More

United States Championship
AJ Styles (c) defeated Kevin Owens


  • Kicking off the show with this is fun — an immediate sense of importance for this show. 
  • A good match to have the split screen for, too
  • Styles clobbered Owens with a big clothesline. This would have been a no-no a few years ago, and I'm glad the mindset shifted.
  • The idea that a while back someone heard a free speaking Mauro Ranallo and said "Nah, we'll replace him with a verbally neutered Tom Phillips" is remarkable.
  • Styles won after a ref bump, but it looked like Kevin Owens had his shoulder up. 
  • Byron calls JBL "Tom."
  • They're really playing up the non-pin. Kevin Owens goes off on Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan

Usos rap

  • They had the crowd sold that it was New Day as they mocked the tag champs' intro.
  • Usos have a new theme, and it's pretty good. They rap a solid promo to follow

Fashion Peaks

  • I'm a big Twin Peaks (at least season 1) fan, so I enjoyed this. 
  • A lot of references to the show. Red dancing Fandango, The Ascension with a log. This was good.

Aiden English defeated Sami Zayn

  • Aiden English has beaten Randy Orton, Tye Dillinger and Sami Zayn over the last month. THE GOAT
  • This was quick, and mainly served to further Zayn and Kanellis.
  • The Kanelliiii come out and say they love that Zayn lost. Okay. Neat. 

Naomi & Becky Lynch defeated Carmella and Natalya

  • A lot of Naomi's offense looks choreographed, but her finish and transition here was awesome.

 Backstage Crappenings

  • Jindermania isn't running as wild as it was about 100 days ago. His promo wasn't good.

Rusev defeated Chad Gable

  • I don't think Gable is going to be Jordan's Jannetty.
  • Floatover belly-to-belly rolling suplexes, moonsaults, a beautiful ankle lock. Gable does it all.
  • The crowd is super into this match.
  • Rusev gets the win, and Gable still looked great.
  • Chad Gable is such a fantastic natural babyface and looks like he was plucked from an episode of WCW Pro in March 1996.
  • Rusev says everyone is afraid of him. Randy Orton comes out. Am I wrong to be disinterested in anything he does?
  • Randy Orton had his chance to go after foreigners and got kicked out of the military. I see him as the Tyron Woodley of WWE at this point. He RKO's Rusev.

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated John Cena

  • John Cena hit more of a belly-to-belly slam than suplex, and it was really cool.
  • Nakamura is trying and motivated and that's a nice change of pace.
  • Jinder is watching from a skybox with a hilariously bandaged Singh Bros.
  • This is the best Nakamura we've seen on the main roster.
  • Cena takes a GROSS bump. Woah. Nakamura wins. Clean as a whistle

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