Sean Raw Sapp (8/21): Match Ratings, Analysis, John Cena, More
Opening Segment
- Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman both get great ovations and Brock eats it up.
- Lesnar looks like he'd rather be anywhere else when Braun's music hits but gets right in Strowman's face.
- Somehow Braun Strowman busted himself open via powerslams. What a legend.
- Strowman ragdolls Lesnar. You can tell how much Brock thinks of someone based on how much he sells for them.
Enzo Amore defeated Big Cass (ref stoppage)
- Enzo has heat backstage, but he's still over with the crowd.
- I'm not sure why you would cut to a commercial after a Cass big boot that has killed Enzo 72 times.
- Enzo took a nasty choke toss outside.
- Big Cass' knee gives out and he curses repeatedly as he's forced out of the match.
Nia Jax defeated Emma
- Nia Jax catches Emma talking trash about her to Dana backstage.
- Emma gets her ass kicked REAL proper.
Elias defeated R-Truth
- Elias gets a great reaction and people clap along to his song.
- R-Truth interrupts Elias. Another dove cries.
- Elias has a really good sell of an R-Truth kick.
- Truth was wearing WORKED jeans.
- Strowman vs. Lesnar and Reigns vs. Cena would have been WrestleMania if I were doing it, but hey lets get to business.
- I wish Cena would react a little more seriously to this situation.
- Bo Dallas' jacket should be defended on a WWE PPV.
- John Cena is particularly extra tonight. He's like that girl you see in FailArmy videos who gets hit by a car, then gets up and tries to dance it off.
- Miz cuts an awesome promo and the crowd loves him. He wants his moment. He says that Cena facing him is Cena's moment.
- Samoa Joe comes out and volunteers his services. The crowd is thrilled and chants "You both suck" at Cena and Reigns after they fight off the "heels."
Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, Gran Metalik & Mustafa Ali defeated Tony Nese, Noam Dar, Drew Gulak, & Ariya Daivari
- These eight are wrestling in front of about ten times as many people as Neville & Tozawa.
- Most undercard cruiser matches in history had zero build, to be fair.
- Noam Dar wouldn't tag himself in.
- I wish Cesaro would have ran into the crowd and buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusted the wave
- This is fun stuff, but nobody in the crowd cared.
- Gulak took a nasty spill outside, and Metalik followed with a beautiful rope walk moonsault.
- Cedric's Lumbar Check wins it.
- After the match, Tozawa challenges Neville to a rematch.
WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose (c) defeated The Hardy Boyz
- Great reactions all around for Rollins, Ambrose, and the Hardy Boyz who interrupt and want a shot.
- Rollins takes a nasty bump on a double team suplex.
- Cesaro and Sheamus are shown watching.
- Dean Ambrose has improved substantially of late.
- I think the camera should avoid those closeups when the guys are calling spots during restholds.
- That was the slowest Whisper in the Wind I've ever seen, and one of the hardest landings.
- Matt Hardy keeping the running bulldog alive and I appreciate it.
- Ooh a Hart Attack Slingblade. That's neat. So is the double suicide dive.
- Every time someone scouts the rebound lariat, I'm a happy dude.
- Ambrose and Rollins close out a good match with a win.
Sasha – Alexa
- I don't know why Sasha even mentioned Boston, but she did.
- She has her "pre-written promo" voice on.
- Alexa comes out and also gets booed. She wants her rematch next week.
- WWE needs to get rid of the handcuffing rematch clause.
Jason Jordan vs. Finn Balor
- Jordan asks for this Balor match earlier in the night.
- This is the kind of pace that Balor should keep, it's just funny that a guy 55 pounds heavier is keeping it.
- Balor snubs a handshake and kicks Jordan.
- Jordan is starting to get the mean streak, as a fan has a beach ball or some shit.
- Balor having a good in-ring 26 hours.
- This is fun, fast paced, contrast of styles. Balor picks up the win.
John Cena & Roman Reigns defeated The Miz & Samoa Joe (w/ Miztourage)
- According to @WWEDemonDiva, Miz cut a promo about the beach ball during the break and it made things worse.
- Putting the beach ball on camera was dumb.
- I liked the crowd during Miztourage vs. Jordan/Hardys a lot better than this one.
- This match has been completely sabotaged by the crowd. That's unfortunate given the heat it had during the promo.
- Bo Dallas gave Barclays the gift of seeing that jacket, and this is how they act?
- Decent match. Cena gets Superman punched but reverses a SKR and hits an AA for the win.