
Sean Raw Sapp (6/26): Lavar And Lonzo Ball! Cass! Braun! Joe! Brock!

Opening segment

  • That new Roman Reigns shirt is doody.
  • Reigns accepts Braun Strowman's Ambulance match challenge, and Reigns has great heat.
  • An ambulance comes out, and it's empty. BRAUN ATTACKS. He throws Reigns into the side of an ambulance.

Finn Balor and The Hardy Boyz defeated Cesaro, Sheamus and Elias Samson

  • Elias Samson, Cesaro, Sheamus are in the ring to perform, but they're interrupted by the Xtreme Balor Club.
  • Balor has such a superstar entrance
  • Some bro from Transformers is there on commentary, which means this match means DICK. 
  • For all the trash I talk about Balor's front dropkicks, his rollback one is nice. 
  • I know the Hardys are beat to shit, but they adapt their style to where it doesn't show. 
  • I bought the pin on Matt as a finish, but Balor broke it up.
  • Balor had a great spot as a house of fire.
  • I think Balor needs Anderson and Gallows. He was great in this 6-man tag.
  • Babyfaces win. Decent stuff.

Goldust is back

  • Re-debuting Goldust in Hollywood was a clever move.
  • He has his own cameraman! Great.
  • Goldust still has a great theme. It's timeless.
  • R-Truth is ready for the match, but Goldust cheap shots him and attacks while the cameraman films. 

Backstage crappenings

  • Samoa Joe terrorizes Paul Heyman backstage.
  • Bayley picks her gauntlet number, there are segments where each girl does. Fair enough, building the match.
  • Alexa Bliss tries to butter up Nia Jax. Jax isn't buying it.


Miz TV with Big Ballers

  • NCAA is probably gonna give Lamelo some SHIT over this.
  • Lavar does a pretty good wrestling intro. Some good mixed heat honestly. 
  • There are several lines I DIED at. "Million Zippers." "Unleash the balls".
  • Dean Ambrose comes out to help them. Or something. I dunno. He's got balls or something.
  • I thought this was hilarious, but I doubt the majority will.
  • This son of a bitch dropped the n-bomb twice. 
  • I am not too good to enjoy a total dumbass of a segment. 

The Entourage defeated Dean Ambrose, Heath Slater, Rhyno

  • I was too busy recovering from the Kimbo Slice vs. Dada 5000 of wrestling segments to pay much attention, but a bunch of guys got on TV.
  • This was to establish Miz's team, they won.
  • Rhyno and Slater are the guys I'd expect Ambrose to hang out with.

Enzo promo

  • Enzo specified that he's reached out to Cass repeatedly this week to no avail. It's the little things. 
  • Enzo says Cass was right about a lot of the things he said.
  • Cass apologizes and says he's ashamed. 
  • They embrace, and hit their catchphrase. 
  • Cass attacks at the top of the ramp. 
  • Cass goes off on Corey Graves for exposing him, which I'm not sure why Cass is upset about. He tells Graves to mind his own business.

Seth Rollins defeated Curt Hawkins

  • SQUASH. 
  • I hate Rollins' new finish.  
  • Man, we get the most typical Bray Wyatt promo ever.

Brock Lesnar is back

  • Heyman gives a great intro to Lesnar, calls Joe a Samoan dumbass.
  • Joe catches Brock from behind and chokes him!!! Brock is fighting back, but Joe locks it in.
  • Several wrestlers break it up. Great angle.
  • WWE is on fire with some of these angles outside the ring.
  • Later, Paul Heyman cuts a great promo about how much he loves this as a promoter because it motivates Lesnar. 

Neville defeated Lince Dorado

  • Tozawa has his seat upgrade. RICH. 
  • Dorado's suicide dive flip was really nice.
  • Short and fast paced. Nothing wrong with that at all.
  • Neville calls Tozawa in the ring, but Titus stops things and announces a match for Great Balls of Fire. Titus is acting like a real promoter. 

Number One Contender Match
Gauntlet Match

  • Bayley and Nia Jax are first. Bayley knows how to work Nia Jax, but Nia Jax doesn't know how to work. 
  • Bayley gets beaten clean in about five minutes. 
  • Imagine hesitating doing your finish while you pose. Mickie did and she got beat. 
  • What a colossal fucking waste of Emma this has been, as well. 
  • Sasha vs, Nia is an extended, full length match, and it's pretty good. Nia taps out and doesn't look bad in doing so. 
  • I would have swapped Emma and Mickie's spots and offense, but Nia ended up looking good by the finish of the match. 

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